
This blog post explores a powerful solution to streamline user management: the automatic deletion of Google Workspace users who have been suspended for six months or more.

In today's fast-paced digital environment, efficient user management is crucial for organizations using Google Workspace. One common challenge faced by administrators is dealing with suspended users who are no longer active. The xFanatical Foresight Automation  tool offers a solution to this challenge by allowing administrators to automatically delete Google Workspace users who have been suspended for six months or more.

The Importance of User Management

Effective user management is essential for maintaining data security, optimizing productivity, and ensuring a streamlined workflow within Google Workspace. However, managing suspended users can become a cumbersome task, especially in large organizations with a high turnover rate.

The Need for Auto Deletion

When users are suspended, they no longer require access to the organization's resources. Keeping their accounts indefinitely can clutter the user management system and create unnecessary administrative overhead. Auto deletion offers a practical solution to overcome this challenge.

Introducing Foresight Automation Tool

The xFanatical Foresight Automation tool is a powerful solution developed specifically for Google Workspace administrators and users. It offers a range of automation features, including the ability to automatically delete suspended user accounts that have been inactive for a specified period, such as six months. This tool provides administrators with greater control and efficiency in managing user accounts.

Rule Instructions

In order to accomplish this task, you will need to create two rules:

Rule1: Create an automation rule to automatically delete the Google Workspace users who have been suspended for 6 months.

Rule2: Deletes users automatically by calendar event: it will only automate Rule 1.

Demo Video

From this video, we will learn about how to auto-delete Google Workspace users who have been suspended for 6 months with Foresight.

Rule Creation

Rule 1 - Auto creates user suspension events:

  1. Log in to your Foresight account with your Google Admin account. 
  2. Go to the Rules page and click the New Rule button.
  3. Select the User Suspended trigger from the select a trigger screen.Select the User Suspended trigger
  4. After that, make sure Foresight has access permissions from your Google Workspace account. You can see the Access granted status once the permission has been granted. Click Next.Foresight has access permissions from your Google Workspace
  5. On the Select an action screen, click the Convert datetime the Create DateTime action
  6. Select Current Datetime in Source Datetime and 6 Months in Time change steps. Type User suspension time in the Variable name field.Select Current Datetime in Source Datetime and 6 Months in Time change steps
  7. Click Add next action. Select the Create calendar event action.Click Add next action. Select the Create calendar event
  8. Select the Primary Calendar in the Calendar field. Enter Delete user in the Event title field and use the v icon to select User Suspension Time. Additionally, set User suspension time as the Start time. You can leave the other fields blank. Click on Review to proceed.Select Primary Calendar in Calendars. Type Delete user in the Event title
  9. Enter the Rule name and then click Create.Enter the Rule name and then click Create

You'll notice that Rule 1 has been successfully created and is now visible on the Rules page.You'll notice that Rule 1 has been successfully created and is now visible on the Rules page.

Rule 2 - Auto deletes users by calendar event:

  1. Go to the Rules page and click the New Rule button.
  2. Select the Calendar event started trigger from the select a trigger screen.calendar event started
  3. Select Primary Calendar in Calendars. Type Delete user in the Event title. Click Next.Select Primary Calendar in Calendars. Type Delete user in the Event title
  4. On the Select an action screen, click the Get Calendar event info action.Select an action screen, click the Get Calendar event info action
  5. Select Primary Calendar in Calendar and Calendar event id in the Event field.Select Primary Calendar in Calendar and Calendar event id in the Event field
  6. Click Add next action. Select the Extract data from text action.Click Add next action. Select the Extract data from text action
  7. Select Event Title in the Source text field and in the Data type to extract select EMAIL . Type User Email in the Variable name.Select Event Title in the Source text field and in the Data type to extract select EMAIL . Type User Email in the Variable name
  8. Click Add next action. Select the Delete user action.Click Add next action. Select the Delete user action
  9. Select User Email in Primary email. Click ReviewSelect User Email in Primary email. Click Review

Rule Triggering

To activate the rule, navigate to the Admin Console. Here, you'll need to suspend a user. To suspend a user, follow these steps:

  • Go to the Users.
  • Hover over the Username of the user you wish to suspend.
  • Click on More options.
  • Select Suspend user.
  • Confirm the suspension by clicking on Suspend.
  • This action will trigger the rule you've set up, ensuring that the specified actions are carried out as per your configuration.To activate the rule, navigate to the Admin Console

Rule Verification

  1. A notification will appear in the top right-hand corner. Click on it, then select Show All.A notification will appear in the top right-hand corner. Click on it, then select Show All
  2. Once you suspend the user, you'll receive a notification. Check the Logs page to confirm the suspension.Once you suspend the user, you'll receive a notification. Check the Logs page to confirm the suspension
  3. You can verify the process on Google Calendar. Look for an event scheduled six months after a user is suspended. When this event occurs, Rule 2 will be triggered, leading to the automatic deletion of the suspended user.You can verify the process on Google Calendar


Automating the deletion of Google Workspace users who have been suspended for six months or more is a game-changer for administrators. The xFanatical Foresight Automation  tool simplifies user management, saves time, and enhances security. By setting up auto deletion rules, configuring notifications, and ensuring data security, administrators can streamline their user management processes and maintain a clean and secure Google Workspace environment.

Please visit the  xFanatical Foresight Automation tool to learn more about how Foresight Automation Tool can help you streamline your Google Workspace User exports and improve your organization's productivity and sign up for a free trial.

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