Schools and Corporate administrators need to perform Google Chrome Device Management for the staff, especially for Chromebooks. So, these need to bulk move Chrome devices to another Organizational unit across multiple OUs. The devices are moved as a part of enterprise policies. For example, in schools, students’ Chrome devices are moved across other organizational units as they grow up and move up a grade.    

Move a Google Chrome device to an organizational unit

Google Admin console allows you to move Google Chrome devices from one organizational unit to another. However, you can only move only a limited number of devices at one time. If you have a look at Google Admin Console and check out the Devices Menu, you will be able to see the devices listed under it. There should be a way to manage thousands of devices at a time.

For the demo, we are only taking 50 devices, but in real cases, we can handle thousands of devices. We have created 2 OUs, Grade 1 OU and Grade 2 OU. Grade 1 OU has 50 devices listed under it. Grade 2 is empty. 

Through the Google Admin Console, we can transfer these devices by accessing the Devices Menu, and selecting devices to move. Click on the move option at the top of the device list. Then Select OU and confirm by clicking on the MOVE button. 

Bulk Move Chrome devices to another organizational unit with Foresight

We will be dividing our process into two parts. In part one, we will be exporting the Chrome devices in a CSV list from Grade 1 OU. In part two, we will be moving these Chrome devices via this exported CSV list to another OU. 

Let’s see how we can do it with the help of Foresight. 

Part 1: Export Chrome devices with the help of a CSV list from the Grade 1 Organizational Unit

Demo Video

  1. Sign in to your Foresight account
  2. Go to the Rule page and press the New rule button in the bottom right corner.
  3. Select the Manual Trigger and then select the List Chrome Devices action.Bulk move Google Chrome devices to another organizational unit -e Manual Trigger
  4. Here first, you may need to grant permission to Foresight in your Google WorkSpace account, after that, you will see Access Granted. Then in the Columns field, leave the default columns. Then in the Organizational Unit field, select Grade 1. Leave the rest of the fields as they are.Bulk move Google Chrome devices -Organizational UnitBulk move Google Chrome devices -Grade 1
  5. Click Review. Enter the Rule name and click Create. 
  6. As you can see the rule is created, click the play icon to trigger the rule.Bulk move Google Chrome devices -play icon
  7. After a few seconds, you will see a notification in the top right corner. Click to see the results as you can see the rule has been executed successfully and 50 devices have been exported.Bulk move Google Chrome devices -the results

Part 2: Move Chrome devices via an exported CSV list to the Grade 2 Organizational Unit 

  1. Sign in to Foresight.
  2. Go to the Rule page and press the New rule button in the bottom right corner.
  3. Select the Data uploaded trigger and then upload the exported CSV file. Wait for the CSV to be parsed. Then you will be able to see the columns of the CSV. Now click Next and then click on the Move Chrome device to Organizational Unit action.Move Chrome device to Organizational Unit
  4. Here, you might need to grant permission to Foresight to your Google WorkSpace account. Then in the Device ID field, select the Device ID, and in the Organizational Unit, select Grade 2.Bulk move Google Chrome devices -Organizational Unit
  5. Click Review. Enter the Rule name and then click Create.
  6. As you can see, the rule has been created. Click on the Upload icon and upload the same CSV file again. Bulk move Google Chrome devices -Upload icon
  7. You will see the rule is running. It may take a few seconds to complete it. After the rule has been run, some of the notifications will appear on the top right corner of the page. You can confirm the results from the Notification icon by clicking on it. The rule has run successfully.Bulk move Google Chrome devices -Notification icon

You can also see that the Grade 2 list has the following devices given in the screenshot and Grade 1 is empty.


With Foresight, Google Workspace actions can be easily automated, and thus time can be saved and the burden on the Google Admin can be reduced. Not only this, but as a Google Admin, you can also export users on Google Workspace or mail merge using different templates. If you want to know more about Foresight, you can visit our website and understand what you can do with Foresight.