
In this article, you will explore how to bulk add calendar resources in Google Workspace through the process of bulk adding calendar resources in Google Workspace using xFanatical Foresight automation tool, empowering you to streamline your workflow and stay organized. In today's fast-paced digital world, efficiency is key. When it comes to managing calendar resources in Google Workspace, the ability to bulk add resources can save valuable time and effort.

Although the Google admin console has this option, it needs a lot of columns to fill as you can see below.Google Admin Console offers this feature

CSV Template for the Google Admin ConsoleCSV Template for Google Admin Console

Bulk add Calendar resource CSV Template for Foresight

Understanding Calendar Resources

Before diving into the process, let's first understand what calendar resources are. In Google Workspace, calendar resources refer to shared objects such as meeting rooms, equipment, or even vehicles that can be reserved and scheduled within the calendar system. These resources ensure smooth collaboration and avoid scheduling conflicts in the workplace.

Note: Resources are typically available within a few minutes of being added. In some cases, however, it might take up to 24 hours for them to become available on everyone's calendar.

Bulk add calendar resources in Google Workspace with xFanatical Foresight

xFanatical Foresight automation tool is a robust productivity tool that integrates seamlessly with Google Workspace. Its advanced features and intuitive interface make it an ideal choice for managing calendar resources efficiently. With Foresight, you can easily import a list of calendar resources from a spreadsheet or a CSV file, eliminating the need for manual data entry.

Demo video

From this video demo, you will learn about bulk-add calendar resources in Google Workspace with Foresight.

Rule Instruction

First, create a Google Sheet with nine columns: Calendar Resource Name, Internal Description, Type, Category, User Visible Description, Capacity, Building ID, Floor Name, and Floor Section. Once completed, download the Google Sheet as a CSV file.First, create a Google Sheet with nine columns
Bulk add Calendar resource CSV Template for xFanatical Foresight

Rule Creation

  1. Log in to your xFanatical Foresight account with your Google Admin account. 
  2. Go to the Rules page and click the New Rule button.
  3. Select the Data uploaded trigger from the select a trigger screen.Select the Data uploaded trigger from the select a trigger screen.
  4. Click on the upload box and upload the downloaded .CSV, wait for the CSV to be parsed.Click on the upload box and upload the downloaded .CSV, wait for the CSV to be parsed
  5. In the CSV parsed screen, make sure the Floor Name field type is set to TEXT
  6. Click Next.In the CSV parsed screen, make sure the Floor Name field type is set to TEXT
  7. On the Select an action screen, click the Create calendar resource action.On the Select an action screen, click the Create calendar resource action
  8. Make sure xFanatical Foresight obtains access permission from your Google Workspace Account. You'll notice the Access granted status once this is completed.Access grantedMake sure xFanatical Foresight obtains access permission from your Google Workspace Account. You'll notice the Access granted status once this is completed
  9. Now, fill the fields as follows: select Calendar Resource Name for User primary email, Internal Description for Internal description, Type for Type, Category for Category, User visible description for User visible description, Capacity for Capacity, Building ID for Building ID, Floor Name for Floor, and Floor Section for Floor section
  10. Click Review.Now, fill the fieldsClick Review
  11. Enter the Rule name and click Create.Enter the Rule name and click Create

Rule Triggering

  • Click Upload Icon and then upload the same .CSV file again. The process will take a few seconds.Click on the Upload Icon and then upload the same .CSV file again. The process will take a few seconds

Result Verification

  1. Notifications will appear in the top-right corner. Click the notification icon, then select View log.bulk-add-calendar-resources-in-Google-Workspace-rule-verify-notfications-icon
  2. Alternatively, you can access the Logs page from the left sidebar. This confirms that the rule has been triggered successfully.Alternatively, you can access the Logs page from the left sidebar
  3. Now, you can verify through Google admin console.You can verify through Google admin console.


Bulk adding calendar resources in Google Workspace using xFanatical Foresight automation tool is a game-changer when it comes to productivity and efficiency. By following the step-by-step guide outlined in this blog post, you can effortlessly manage and organize your calendar resources, freeing up valuable time for more important tasks. 

Embrace the power of Foresight and take control of your calendar resource management today!

If you have yet to install Foresight, check out this quick start.

Please visit the  xFanatical Foresight Automation tool to learn more and sign up for a free trial.

Read more related topics like - Rename Calendar Resources, Track room, and resource use in Google Calendar, etc.