Every company has a few resources that are available for everyone’s use, like conference rooms, printers, projectors, etc.  These resources can be added and booked in calendar events for use. There are three steps. First, we add buildings, just like we have a building for an office. Then, we add resources to that building, and in the third step, we add features to those resources like (printer, LCD, and WIfi). In this blog post, we will only discuss adding resources.

Although the Google admin console has this option, it needs a lot of columns to fill as you can see below.

Google Admin Console has this option.How to bulk add calendar resources in Google Workspace

CSV Template for Google Admin ConsoleHow to bulk add calendar resources in Google Workspace

Bulk add Calendar resource CSV Template for ForesightHow to bulk add calendar resources in Google Workspace

The necessity of adding calendar resources

Google Calendar resources play an important role in calendar event management. 

  1. It helps to create a strong resource scheduling.
  2. These resources can also be added as a calendar in the Google Calendar list. Just click on the + icon under Other Calendar, and select Browse Resources.
  3. After adding a calendar they can also be shared with any user, so, they will come to know whenever an event is created in that calendar.

Note: Resources are typically available within a few minutes of being added. In some cases, however, it might take up to 24 hours for them to become available on everyone's calendar.

For these above reasons, adding resources to Google Calendar can help.

Bulk-add calendar resources in Google Workspace with Foresight

Foresight helps businesses streamline and automate Google Workspace workflows without any code. It’s a SaaS platform to empower administrators and users to create complex business workflows easily. These cannot be done with native Google Cloud services and work smarter.


Demo video

From this video demo, you will learn about bulk-add calendar resources in Google Workspace with Foresight.

Rule Creation

  1. First, you have to take a Google sheet having 9 columns. The columns are- Calendar ResourceName, Internal Description, Type, Category, User Visible Description, Capacity, Building Id, Floor Name, and Floor Section. Download the Google sheet as CSV.How to bulk add calendar resources in Google Workspace
  2. Log in to Foresight with the Google Admin account. Head over to the Rules page and click on the new rule (New rule button) button in the bottom-right corner.Bulk update employees information in Google Workspace
  3. Select the Data uploaded trigger and upload the CSV file with the updated info. Wait for the file to be parsed. In the CSV parsed screen, the Floor Name field TYPE must be TEXT. Then click on Next and select the Create calendar resource action.How to bulk add calendar resources in Google Workspace
  4. Then, you may need to give authorization for Foresight in the Google Workspace account. After a successful permission grant, you will see the Access granted status.How to bulk add calendar resources in Google Workspace
  5. Now select CalenderResourcename in User primary email, InternalDescription in Internal description, Type in Type, Category in Category field, InternalDescription in User visible description, Capacity in Capacity, BuildingId in Building ID, FloorName in Floor, and FloorSection in Floor section. Then click Review.How to bulk add calendar resources in Google Workspace
  6. Enter the Rule name (Bulk add calendar resources) and click on Create.How to bulk add calendar resources in Google Workspace

You can see the rule has been created.

Rule Triggering

  1. Click on the upload icon and upload the same CSV file again. This process will take a few seconds.How to bulk add calendar resources in Google Workspace

Verifying Results

  1. Some notifications will arrive in the top-right corner. Click on the notification icon and then click on View All or go to the Logs page from the left sidebar. The rule triggered successfully.How to bulk add calendar resources in Google WorkspaceHow to bulk add calendar resources in Google Workspace
  2. Now you can verify the result from Google Admin Console. You will find the newly added resources – Adventure Room, Meeting Room Lab 1B, and Room S-1 X. Now you can add them to Calendar.How to bulk add calendar resources in Google Workspace


So, you learned how to bulk add calendar resources in Google Workspace and its benefits. Foresight is a user-friendly tool to perform this task with an easy automation workflow. Thus it increases productivity without consuming more time. So start your free trial with Foresight now! Read more related topics like - Rename Calendar Resources, Track room, and resource use in Google Calendar, etc.