In this blog post, we will learn how to bulk add Google calendar resource buildings. Google Calendar is one of the most useful applications that enables you to set reminders and manage your work better. Now, IT admins have the scope to use this particular tool for better management of resources. Then they can create via Google Admin Console, and then add them to their Calendar list via Google Calendar. It will appear as calendars in the My Calendar list, and from here, employees can easily find, book, and use their company's resources. Thus, admins should put details (ID, name, etc.) about those resources as much as possible while creating calendar resource building in Google Admin Console.

This article will discuss how to bulk add calendar resource buildings with Foresight.

What are calendar resource buildings?

Buildings are the foundation on which the resources are added. Just like a building has an address and rooms, we can also add the same building details that will be used by your organization's users.

You can create up to 10,000 buildings for your company or in each domain.

Why should we need to add calendar resource buildings?

Suppose you schedule a meeting tomorrow at your office and you need the conference room to host this meeting. Thus you need to book calendar resource buildings first. This signifies –

  • You have already booked that resource for use and for a particular duration. So, no one else will be making any such arrangements comprising that resource in that period.
  • People come to know about the features of the resources. Ex. the company car having a GPS tracker.
  • You can add those resources to events like meeting room, conference room, or Adventure room. 
  • Additionally, it's possible to set up notifications for resources. Ex. when you schedule resources for an event, invite a resource to an event, etc.
  • You can share building resources with others.


  1. First, we create building resources via Google Admin Console,
  2. Then add them to Google Calendar,
  3. And then, book them while creating an event.

How to bulk add calendar resource buildings with Foresight?

Foresight is a SaaS platform which helps implements automation and streamlines Google Workspace workflows. But you don't have to know coding to achieve this feat, and it permits administrators and users to create intricate business workflows that is not possible with native Google cloud services.

Although the Google Admin Console has the feature to bulk add calendar resource buildings. But you can perform this task more easily with Foresight. It offers some simple steps to perform this task within a few times, and this is the benefit of using this tool.

Video Demo

This demo video will help you to understand bulk adding calendar resource building with Foresight.


Download Bulk add calendar resource buildings - Foresight Template

Rule Creation

  1. First, you need to prepare a list of building resources. Here, we have ten columns in our Google sheet- Building Id, Building Name, Description, Floors, Street, Sublocality, Locality, Administrative Area, Postal Code, and Country. These are the details of the resources. Next, download the Google Sheet in CSV (comma-separated value) format. Link is given above Foresight
  2. Sign in to Foresight with the help of a Google Admin account. Go to the Rules page and click on the New Rule New rule button button.Bulk update employees information in Google Workspace
  3. Then, select the Data uploaded trigger and upload the CSV file with updated information. Wait for the file to be parsed. After that, click on Next.xFanaticalxFanatical
  4. We must select the Type of Postal Code to TEXT. The Postal Code option will appear in the "Create building" action.xFanatical
  5. Now select the Create building action.xFanatical
  6. In this step, you need to grant permission for Foresight through the Google Workspace account. Once you have done it successfully, the status will be changed to Access granted.xFanatical
  7. Select relevant values - BuildingId in Building ID, BuildingName in Building name, Description in Description, Floors in Floors, Street in Street, Sublocality in Sub-locality, Locality in Locality, AdministrativeArea in Administrative Area, and United States in Country fields.xFanatical
  8. Then click on Review. Now enter the Rule name (Bulk add calendar building resources) and click Create. You will see the rule has been created. xFanatical data-lazy-srcset=

Rule Triggering

To trigger the rule, click on the upload icon and upload the same CSV file again. This process will take a few seconds.xFanatical

Verifying Results

  1. Notification will come in the top-right corner of the Rules page.xFanatical
  2. Then click on the View Log option within the notification to view the log details. Also, you can see it from the Logs page. It shows the successful triggering of the rule.xFanatical
  3. Finally, confirm it from the Google Admin Console Directory > Building And Resources, and then Manage Building. You will find the buildings named - A1, B1, C1, and D1 have been added.xFanatical

Wrapping it up

Adding calendar resources and buildings comes in handy on multiple occasions. It helps you to identify any resource quickly. Foresight brings an easy solution to do this task effortlessly. To know more, try a 14-days free trial with Foresight. Also, you can read on how to manage multiple organization resources or share room and resource calendars and more.