
In this article, you will explore how xFanatical Foresight helps in apps reporting and getting alerts in Google Workspace In today's fast-paced digital environment, managing and optimizing the use of applications within Google Workspace is crucial for maintaining productivity and security. xFanatical Foresight Automation tool is designed to streamline this process, providing comprehensive reporting and timely alerts.

Introducing xFanatical Automation tool

xFanatical Foresight Automation tool is an advanced automation tool specifically for Google Workspace administrators and users. It offers a wide range of functionalities, including detailed reporting and alert systems, to help administrators manage their apps efficiently. Whether you're overseeing a small team or a large organization, xFanatical Foresight provides the insights necessary to keep your digital environment running smoothly.

Rule Creation

  1. Log in to your xFanatical Foresight account with your Google Admin account. 
  2. Go to the Rules page and click the New Rule button.
  3. Select the Recurring times trigger from the select a trigger screen.
  1. Set it to Repeat every 1 day. Then, choose the End time; we usually leave it as Never, but you can adjust this as needed. Ensure the Start time is at least 15 minutes later than the current time.
  2. Click Next.
Apps Reporting and getting alerts Creating New Rule
  1. On the Select an action screen, click the Convert date action.
Apps Reporting and getting alerts Convert date Action
  1. Select the current date in the Source Date field. Next, choose the Date Change steps by selecting Subtract and 3 Days. Finally, enter Date as the variable name.
Apps Reporting and getting alerts New rule Creation
  1. Click Add next action.
  2. Select the Get apps report action.
Apps Reporting and getting alerts Get app reports
  1. In the Date field, select the Date variable using the icon.
Apps Reporting and getting alerts another new rule creation
  1. Click Add next action. Select the If action.
Apps Reporting and getting alerts in Google Workspace If Action
  1. In Branch 1, select the Exchanged Email Count variable, choose the Is greater than operator, and set the email count to 2.
Apps Reporting and getting alerts If Condition
  1. Click Add next action. Select Email action.
Apps Reporting and getting alerts Email Action
  1. Enter the manager’s email and select a Subject line.
Apps Reporting and getting alerts Email template
  1. Compose the email body and insert the Exchange Email Count variable using the icon.
Apps Reporting and getting alerts Email Body
  1. Navigate to the If action again in the workflow diagram on the right side.
  2. Now, in Branch 2, select the Drive Storage Used variable, choose the is greater than operator, and set the threshold to 100 MB.
Apps Reporting and getting alerts in Google Workspace- Branch 2 action
  1. Again click Add next action. Select the Email action.
  2. Enter the manager’s email ID again. Add the Subject line to Device Storage – Exceeds 100 MB. Compose email body, include the Drive Storage Used variable.
Apps Reporting and getting alerts - Email Body for Branch 2
  1. To add Branch 3, click Add Next Action again and select the If action.
  2. Select the 7 Days Logins variable, then choose the is greater than operator, and set it to 99 times.
Apps Reporting and getting alerts If Condition
  1. Click Add next action. Select Email action.
  2. Enter the manager’s email ID, create a Subject line, and compose the email body. Make sure to insert the 7 Days Logins variable in the email body.
Apps Reporting and getting alerts To Email template
Apps Reporting and getting alerts To Email template
  1. Return to the If action and set Branch 4. Select the Anyone with Link Shares variable, choose the is greater than operator, and set it to 15.
Apps Reporting and getting alerts Branch 4
  1. Select Add next action again and choose the Email action.
  2. Enter the email ID and add the Subject line to Anyone with Link Shares.
Apps Reporting and getting alerts Branch 4 Email template
  1. Create the email body and insert the Anyone with Link Shares variable. 
  2. Click Review.
Apps Reporting and getting alerts Branch 4 Email template
  1. Enter the Rule name
  2. Click Create.
Apps Reporting and getting alerts Review
Apps Reporting and getting alerts Workflow

xFanatical Foresight rule graph for apps reporting and getting alerts in Google Workspace

Verifying the Result

  • The rules have now been created. A notification will appear in the top right-hand corner. Click on it, then select View log.
Apps Reporting and getting alerts Log Details


xFanatical Foresight Automation tool is an indispensable tool for managing apps within Google Workspace. Its robust reporting and alert features enable administrators to stay informed and proactive, ensuring a seamless and secure digital environment. By leveraging xFanatical Foresight Automation tool, you can ensure that your Google Workspace environment is both efficient and secure, allowing your team to focus on what they do best.

If you have yet to install Foresight, check out this quick start.

Please visit the  xFanatical Foresight Automation tool to learn more and sign up for a free trial.