Nowadays, most schools are providing their education through the online teaching platform, Google Classroom. It is Google’s freemium-based online LMS software. But Google Classroom lacks many important features. Like there is no feature to disable private comments in Google Classroom. Students and their parents flood the comments section with unnecessary comments. So, we have come up with Safe Doc, which brings solutions to Google Classroom problems like this one.
What’s challenging?
The biggest challenge faced by most of the teaching staff is the comments that are posted in various Google Classroom tools like Docs, Sheets, and Slides. Sometimes, the students disrupt a class or post comments without any reason. Also, their parents use this feature to have a one-on-one conversation with the teacher. If teachers don’t want to interact with the parents in this manner, then they can disable the feature. Safe Doc BlockPrivateCommentInClassroom in version 1.40.0 blocks the private comments card in the Google Classroom assignment. This way, it helps to regulate the private comments section in Google classrooms.
Below screenshot is showing how Safe Doc removed the Private Comment box in Google Classroom.
How to configure Safe Doc’s BlockPrivateCommentInClassroom Policy?
Configuring Safe Doc is an easy feature. You need to follow the steps given below to install and configure it:
- To have this policy, you need to have deployed Safe Doc beforehand. The Safe Doc Configuration blog has the complete process of configuration.
- After doing that, you need to add the following policy BlockPrivateCommentInClassroom, and set the value to true.
"BlockPrivateCommentInClassroom": { "Value": true }
What else does Safe Doc help us to do?
Not only commenting but Safe Doc also helps to:
- Abstains the students from making the misuse of unwanted features for harmful content.
- It also stops students from sharing Google Drive resources that have been disallowed amongst each other.
- It also helps to block obscene image searches or share some offensive documents or indecent videos from the web.
- Safe Doc also prevents students from playing games in the online class or abstains them from doing other disruptive activities that cause time wastage.
- It also bans offensive emoticons from the chat interface to prevent student bullying.
Wrapping it up
Safe Doc helps in easy class management and helps in managing online teaching software. It also helps in creating a safe classroom environment online. It enables various privacy and safety features not present in Google Classroom and helps to handle remote learning.