This page lists Foresight product updates to help users discover new features and bug fixes.




  • Updated the list of Google Product and SKU Ids in the triggers (User license assigned, User license revoked) and actions (Assign user license, List user license assignments, Revoke user license, Update user license).




  • Fixed a sign up issue for some cases.




  • Fixed an unknown in the Delete user action when a user is held in Google Vault.




  • Fixed an issue of not processing some CSV files properly, resulting in an infinite spinner on the rule cards with the Data uploaded trigger.
  • Fixed an unknown error in the Add group member action in certain cases.
  • Fixed an unknown error in the Create group action in certain cases.
  • Fixed an unknown error in the Delete group alias action in certain cases.




  • Fixed an issue of infinite-loading mobile devices in the Device ID field of Approve mobile devices action.




  • Fixed an issue of not loading output variables in the Get form response info action when the Google Form has no questions.




  • Updated the Create data transfer request action with the latest transfer data types. The Google Currents data is removed in the data types.




  • Fixed the Calendar event deleted trigger not triggering in the specific case of losing calendar access.




  • Fixed an unknown error reason in Add user email aliases action.
  • Fixed a CSV processing issue in the Data uploaded trigger for certain CSV files.



  • Added a new action List drive logs to export Google Drive activity logs as a CSV file.
  • Fixed unknown error reasons in Get apps report action.
  • Fixed payment issues for some countries.



  • Added 2 admin actions Delete user profile photo and Update user profile photo.
  • Added a Google Chat integration Send message to Chat.
  • Support optional guests in the Add event attendee action.
  • Fixed unknown error reasons in the
    • Update group primary email action
    • Update calendar resource action
    • Check event conflict action
    • Disable Chrome device action
    • Get calendar event info action
  • Fixed an issue of not able to save rules with the Upload data to rule action.
  • Fixed Data uploaded trigger incorrectly parsed CSV files.
  • Fixed an issue of rules with the User created trigger being disabled by a critical error, reporting admin privileges lost.




  • The Org Unit Path condition in the User created trigger mistakenly requires at least 4 characters for the value.
  • The email body in the Email action did not load in rare cases.
  • Unknown error reason in the Create data transfer request action.
  • Unknown error reason in the Delete calendar buffer events action.
  • Unknown error reason in the Wipe mobile device action.
  • Unknown error reason in the Create user action.
  • Unknown error reason in the Create group action.
  • Unknown error reason in the List user usages action when the date is not given.
  • Unknown error reason in the Get apps reports action when the date is not given.
  • Rules with the Data uploaded trigger did not trigger after uploading a large CSV file in rare cases.
  • Editing subscriptions did not work after failed renewal payments in rare cases.
  • The Upload data to rule action's Rule field accidentally displays variables.




  • New variable pill design for better variable visualization
  • Add numbering to actions of the same type
  • Support any characters for the variable names, especially useful for the Data uploaded trigger to support CSV files with headers in any languages
  • New integrations with Google Workspace Admin Reporting features
  • New integrations with Google Forms
  • Improved fields and useability for existing triggers and actions
  • Support 3DS credit cards
  • Add Mailchimp integration
  • Bugfixes

Learn more in xFanatical Foresight Product Update 4.10.0.




  • Signing up requires confirmation
  • Requires Sign in with Google instead of logging you out after being inactive for a long time.
  • Added more calendar related trigger and actions with more capabilities.
  • Extended data retention to 180 days instead of 7 days for users who end trials
  • Extended data retention to 180 days instead of 14 days for users who unsubscrib Foresight
  • Fix issues

Learn more in Foresight Product Update v4.9.0.



New features

Most of new features are for Google Workspace admins in this release.

  1. Action requested on device trigger. Google Workspace admins can automate workflows if an Android or iOS device is blocked, approved, unblocked, account wiped etc. For instance, upon blocking a user-owned mobile device, automatically email the device owner informing them their mobile device is blocked for some reason and asking to contact the admin.
  2. Issued command to Chrome device trigger. Automate workflows following issuing a command to a Chrome device to execute, e.g. reboot, take a screenshot, set volume etc.
  3. Chrome device updated trigger. Triggers when a Chrome device's Asset ID, User, Location or Notes custom fields are updated.
  4. Chrome device moved to OU trigger. This trigger is self-explanatory. You can automate Chrome device management tasks following moving the devices to a different OU. For instance, automatically deprovision 3 Chrome devices if they are moved to OU "/Deprovision".
  5. Generate password action. A Google Workspace admin can reset users' passwords or assign passwords to new users with our dynamically generated strong passwords.
  6. Support PASSWORD variable type for Data uploaded trigger. What does it do? Bring your own passwords!
  7. The Device ID field in the following actions now loads your organization's user-owned mobile devices. You can find a mobile device without going to Google Admin to find the device id.
    • Approve mobile device
    • Block mobile device
    • Delete mobile device
    • Get mobile device info
    • Unblock mobile device
    • Wipe mobile device
  8. The Device ID field in the following actions now loads your organization's Chrome devices. You can find a Chrome device without going to Google Admin to find the device id.
    • Deprovision Chrome device
    • Disable Chrome device
    • Get Chrome device info
    • Issue command to Chrome device
    • Move Chrome device to OU
    • Re-enable Chrome device
    • Update Chrome device
  9. Added an Upload data to rule action. The brother to the Data uploaded trigger! Pre-upload a CSV file so that you can schedule upload the data file to another rule with the Data uploaded trigger. What is the deal then? You can bulk automating tasks, not now, but in the future! For instance, bulk suspend a list of users in 3 months, bulk create data transfers for a list of users in 5 months, schedule a monthly mail merge (bulk send personalized emails).
  10. Added and updated fields in the Create user action. You can now bulk create more complete user accounts.
    • In the Password field, you can select the PASSWORD type variables from the Generate password action or from the Data uploaded trigger. Each new user gets a unique password generated by Foresight or provided by you.
    • The Require a password change at next sign-in field supports BOOLEAN type variables.
    • Add field Home phone
    • Add field Mobile phone
    • Add field Home email
    • Add field Recovery email
    • Add field Recovery phone
    • Add field Work address
    • Add field Home address
    • Add field Employee Id
    • Add field Job title
    • Add field Type of employee
    • Add field Manager's email
    • Add field Department
    • Add field Cost center
    • Add field Building Id
    • Add field Floor name
    • Add field Floor section
  11. Improved the Reset user password action
    • In the Password field, you can select the PASSWORD type variables from the Generate password action (password generated by Foresight) or from the Data uploaded trigger (you provide the password).
    • The Require a password change at next sign-in field supports BOOLEAN type variables.
  12. Added Google Workspace licensing management triggers and actions. Managing hundreds of user licenses in your domain would be much easier, especially when your organization subscribed to multiple Google services, including Google Workspace Business / Enterprise / Nonprofits / Education, Google Vault, Cloud Identity, Google Voice etc.
    • User license assigned trigger, when a user in the domain is assigned with a Google service license.
    • User license revoked trigger, when a user in the domain is revoked from a Google service license.
    • List user license assignments action. See what types of licenses and how many licenses are assigned to your users in the domain and export it as a CSV file.
    • Assign user license action.
    • Revoke user license action
    • Update user license action.
  13. Improved the To, cc and bcc fields in the Email action, so that you just need to click to pop the variable list, rather than typing {{. You can still search users in your domain.
  14. Add the number of records as a variable for the List <resource> actions. This is the number of the records in the exported CSV file. You can leverage this number to do further checks and make important decisions, e.g. if the number of mobile devices exceeds 50, send the CSV file of exported mobile devices to your manager to review.
    • List Chrome devices action.
    • List group members action.
    • List groups action
    • List mobile devices action
    • List organizational units action
    • List calendar resources action
    • List buildings action
    • List calendar resource features action
    • List users action

Bug fixes

  1. Fixed an issue of sorting by rule names case-sensitively which was unnatural for humans. In other words, rules starting with B or b are closer to each other.
  2. Fixed an issue of reason: unknown in the Edit Group description action log.
  3. Fixed an issue of reason: unknown in the Add event attendee action log.
  4. Fixed an issue of reason: unknown in the Create calendar resource action log.
  5. Fixed an issue of reason: unknown in the Copy event to calendar action log.
  6. Fixed an issue of reason: unknown in the Delete organizational unit action log.
  7. Fixed an issue of reason: unknown in the Respond to event action log.
  8. Fixed an issue of rule graphs not displayed when the If action contains a double-quote mark ".
  9. Fixed an issue of conditions not working in the If action for certain cases.



Bug fix

  • Fixed an issue of Invalid source calendar id in the Copy event to calendar action.



New features

  • Added new triggers and actions for Google Workspace administrators
    • Get data transfer request info action. If you have ever used the Create data transfer request action, this action allows you to check if a data transfer request is completed and pipeline the statuses to other actions.
    • Get group settings info action. Retrieves a Google Group's settings, e.g. Who can view conversations, as variables, which you can use to inform the team.
    • Group setting updated trigger. When you edit a Google Group's setting from Google Admin, this would trigger.
    • Update group settings action. Updates a Google Group's setting, e.g. allow external members, or spam handling. Using the Data uploaded trigger with this action, you can bulk update group settings.
    • Update Chrome device action. Updates a Chrome device's custom fields, asset id, user, location or notes.
    • Calendar resource related triggers and actions. Learn more within the Foresight app.
      • Create calendar resource action
      • Update calendar resource action
      • Get calendar resource info action
      • Delete calendar resource action
      • List calendar resources action
      • Calendar resource created trigger
      • Calendar resource updated trigger
      • Calendar resource deleted trigger
      • Create calendar resource feature action
      • Delete calendar resource feature action
      • List calendar resource features action
      • Calendar resource feature created trigger
      • Calendar resource feature updated trigger
      • Calendar resource feature deleted trigger
      • Create building action
      • Delete building action
      • Get building info action
      • List buildings action
      • Update building action
      • Building created trigger
      • Building deleted trigger
      • Building updated trigger
  • Support rule sort. If you have a number of rules, then in this version, you can sort your rules by the rule name, date created, date modified, trigger type or the rule status, ascendingly or descendingly.
  • Updated the REQUEST ACCOUNT ACCESS to the official Sign-in with Google button as per Google's branding requirement.

Bug fixes

  • Renamed the field name of "Column name" to "Columns" in List users, List groups, List group members and other List * actions.
  • Fixed the issue that some dropdown lists are too wide.
  • Fixed an issue of editing rule error.



Issue fix

  • Fixed a server instability issue.



Issue fix

  • Fix reason: invalid calendar issue in calendar actions for certain Google calendars



New features

  • Added goodies for Google Workspace Administrators
    • List Chrome devices action. List and export Chrome OS devices in your organization as a CSV file.
    • Get chrome device info action. Retrieves a chrome OS device's information (e.g. serial number, last policy sync, most recent user) and outputs them as variables for subsequent actions' use.
    • List mobile devices action. List and export mobile devices in your organization as a CSV file.
    • Disable chrome device action.
    • Re-enable chrome device action.
    • Move chrome device to OU action.
    • Deprovision chrome device action.
    • Issue command to Chrome device action. Issue a command to a Chrome device to execute remotely, e.g. Set volume or reboot.
    • List users action. List and export users in your organization as a CSV file.
    • List groups action. List and export groups in your organization as a CSV file.
    • List organizational units action. List and export organizational units in your organization as a CSV file.
    • List group members action. List and export all members for a Google group as a CSV file.
    • Added triggers when a user's Employee information is updated in Google Admin.
      • Type of employee changed trigger.
      • Building id changed trigger
      • Cost center changed trigger.
      • Job title changed trigger.
      • Floor name changed trigger.
      • Floor section changed trigger.
  • Delete a single action. You can now "cut out" any single action in the middle of the sophisticated workflow without deleting all the subsequent actions.
  • Insert an action. You can now insert an action in the middle of your advanced workflow. It alleviates your OMG moment when you forgot to add something near the completion of the rule configuration. Along with the deleting a single action feature above, configurating a rule is more flexible.
  • Pan and zoom your rule graph. When your rule grows bigger, the rule flowchart shrank which made the graph text barely visible. We heard you. You can zoom in / out and pan the rule flowchart while you're editing the rule.
  • Added a Manual trigger. As simple as it seems, trigger your rule by clicking the button on the rule card after you have done the configuration.
  • Support calendars of interest in the Calendar event started trigger, including but not limited to, regional holiday calendars, your contacts birthday calendar, global religious holidays, sports calendars and the phases of the moon calendar.

Issue fixes

  • Fixed reason: unknown issues for calendar actions.
  • Fixed a wrongly categorized failed action log message reason: no permission to update calendar event details issue for calendar actions when the calendar sharing permissions are fine.
  • Fixed a reason: unknown issue for Add group member and Delete group member actions when the same user is requested at the same time.
  • Fixed that EMAIL type variables were not listed in the Calendars field of Get calendar agenda action.
  • Fixed the same calendar event not started for duplicate rules with the Calendar event started trigger.



New features

  • Added a mighty Data uploaded trigger. The trigger type enables you to upload a CSV file to bulk trigger the rule with the CSV data. By connecting the Data uploaded trigger with different actions, you can automate hundreds of operations in a second.
    • Mail merge or bulk sending personalized emails. Data uploaded trigger ⟹ Email action.
    • Bulk suspend users. Data uploaded trigger ⟹ Suspend user action.
    • Bulk add users to groups. Data uploaded trigger ⟹ Add group member action.
  • Added a Created data transfer request action for Google Workspace admins. This action is to create a request to transfer Drive, Calendar, Brand Accounts and Data Studio data from a user to another user, useful for user offboarding workflow.
  • Added a Create datetime action. Create a date time variable relative to another source date time. Use cases of this action include
    • creating a calendar event in 6 month if a user is created
    • creating a follow-up calendar event in 3 days.
  • Added support compare DATE and TIME types in the If action condition building, e.g. If Project due date date is before 2022-09-15, then take next action, or If Event start time time is after 12:00:00, then take next action.
  • Added trigger event in the each rule log. It tells you the event that triggers your rule. For example, if the User created trigger is triggered, it would show "User [email protected] was created under organizational unit /R&D".
  • Add a Duration field in Create calendar event action, e.g. 30 min event. By setting the start datetime and the duration of event, you don't need to worry about the event end datetime.

Issue fixes

  • Set the New calendar event trigger options Also include events I was not invited to and Also include events I created to checked by default.
  • Fixed some of next day's all-day events not triggering the New calendar event.
  • Improved loading in app notifications performance for a large number of unread notifications.



Added two Professional plans, Professional 20000 and Professional 50000. Please see the updated Foresight Pricing page.



New features

  • Added 3 triggers and 2 actions for Google Workspace Admins
    • User archived trigger
    • User unarchived trigger
    • Data transfer request created trigger
    • Archive user action
    • Unarchive user action
  • Added Calendar event started action.
  • Added Create calendar event action.
  • Support searching triggers and actions.

Issue fixes

  • Fixed an issue that some Email actions failed when a large volume of emails were sent simultaneously from Gmail.
  • Fixed an issue in User's organizational unit changed that the clearing the present or new organizational unit was ineffective.
  • Fixed an issue in Email action that it's prone for users to mess up the variables with text styles.
  • Fixed an issue that some events may not trigger when bulk events are deleted in a short time.



New features

  • Added an Update employee information action. This action updates multiple properties of Google user employee information at once. It related to those actions that update properties individually, including Update employee ID, Update employee building ID, Update employee cost center, Update employee department, Update employee floor name, Update employee floor section, Update manager email, Update job title and Update type of employee.



New features

  • Added a Calendar event deleted trigger.
  • Added a Delete calendar buffer events action. This action corresponds to the Create calendar buffer events action. By connecting Calendar event deleted trigger with the Delete calendar buffer events action, the buffer events automatically created earlier would be automatically deleted if the meeting is cancelled.

Issue fixes

  • For the New calendar event trigger, if a single instance in a recurring event is edited for the first time, the single instance was considered as a new event. Therefore it may trigger. In this version, this edited single instance in a recurring event is ignored.
  • Fix unknown reason for the Create user action.
  • Fix unknown reason for the Update vacation responder action.
  • Fix unknown reason for the Move user to organizational unit action.
  • Fix unknown reason for the Get user info action.
  • The Include events created by Foresight (not commended) option in the New calendar event trigger is removed. Events created by Foresight would never trigger again.



  • Prevent some users from granting trigger/action permissions from a wrong Google account in multiple Google sign-ins situations.
  • Added a Name field to the billing address.
  • Fixed issues of onboarding tutorial for new Foresight users and optimized the tutorial to make it more useful.
  • Added product links to the login pages.



We added a 7 day grace period for new 14-days trial users, who sign up after 08/23/2021. If trial users missed the 14-days trial opportunity, it's still possible to subscribe a paid plan within the 7 days. Learn more about How xFanatical Foresight Trial Works.



What's new?

  • Added an Employee ID changed trigger. When a user's Employee ID in Employee Information is changed in Google Workspace Admin Console, it will trigger. A useful workflow is to automate reporting the user's new employee ID to the employee and their manager, Employee ID changed trigger => Email action.
  • Added a User manager changed trigger. When a user's manager email in Employee Information is changed in Google Workspace Admin Console, it will trigger. If your organization has high employee mobility for achieving better employee success, you may constantly update employees' manager emails and report such changes back to the original manager, the new manager and the employee. You can build a User manager changed trigger => Email action => Email action => Email action workflow to automate the process.
  • Added a Check event attendees action. This action checks if given emails are invited in a calendar event as attendees.
  • Added an Add event attendee action. This action invites a guest to a calendar event. You can use this action to automate adding special guests to others events if they are missed in the events, e.g. New Calendar Event trigger => Check Event Attendees action => If the given guest is not in this calendar event => Email the event creator => Add Event Attendee action
  • Added a From field and a Reply to field in the Email action. The From field allows you to send the email from a different email address other than the associated Gmail, as Gmail supports email aliases. It helps automate massive emailing using a generic [email protected] instead of [email protected]. The Reply to field is useful if you want the recipient to reply to a different email address instead of yourself.

Issue fixes

  • Optimized various text fields to pop up variables drop down without typing the {{ symbols, e.g. the Primary Email field in Suspend User action or Add group member action.
  • Fixed 'reason: unknown' error in Delete user email alias action.
  • Fixed 'reason: unknown' error in Delete user tokens action.
  • Fixed 'reason: unknown' error in Delete app passwords action.
  • Fixed 'reason: unknown' error in Add user email alias action.
  • Limit the total wait time for a rule to 10 mins for chained Wait actions.
  • Added a dashed action rectangle in the workflow diagram while you're selecting a new action, so as to know where you're adding the action.
  • Fixed the Also include events I created option in New calendar event did not include my events without any attendees.



What's new?

  • Updated the Get calendar agenda action.
    • Added a Skip X days option. This option allows the agenda to skip a few days before collecting the events in selected calendars. For example, on every Thursday, email the calendar agenda for next Monday to Friday, which skips 3 days.
    • Included time-zone information in the output agenda HTML.
  • Support reporting existing inactive users in the User turned inactive trigger. If you define that a user turns inactive when the user's last sign-in time is exactly 30 days ago, then those users whose last sign-in time are more than 30 days (35 days, 181days, more than 1 year ago etc.) will be called existing inactive users. They will be reported in the trigger as well.
  • Added a global variable Current Week of Month. This is the current week of month number from 1-6 (at rule runtime). For example, the week of month number for date 7/30/2021 is 5, the fifth week of July.

Issue fixes

  • Fixed 'reason: unknown' issue in Add group member action
  • Changed the date is operator in If action conditions to [-15 min, +15 min] accuracy instead of same minute accuracy, which was hard to match.



Issue fixes

  • Improved the agenda format output of Get calendar agenda action to fit mobile devices better.
  • Fix some subscribed calendar names display incorrectly as a raw URL instead of a user-defined name.
  • Fix the message 'reason: unknown' in the rule log for Update Vacation responder action when the the vacation start time is later than the end time.
  • Fix rules with IF actions cannot correctly be saved in some cases.
  • Fix incorrect rule log messages when emails are sent to empty recipients.



In this new release, we changed the Foresight terms of service. We no longer offer the Lite 150 plan. New users signed up with a default 14-days Trial 1000 plan instead of Lite 150 plan. To learn more about the Trial 1000 plan, please see Foresight Pricing Plans page and How xFanatical Foresight Trial Works.

  • New users sign up with the Trial 1000 plan by default. A Professional subscription is required to use Foresight beyond the 14-days trial.
  • Starting from July 1, 2021, existing users with Lite 150 will be migrated to Trial 1000.
  • Professional users have an option to unsubscribe the subscription so that the automatic payments for renewal will stop. Professional users can continue to use Foresight until the subscription cancellation. After the subscription cancellation, there is a 14 days data retention for the account.
  • Added a feature to update the billing address in the Settings > Billing page.
  • Added a feature to preview the upcoming invoice in the Settings > Billing page.



What's new?

  • Add 7 Google Workplace Admin mobile device related triggers and actions. The actions map to the Approve, block, unblock, or delete a managed device in your Google Admin Console.
    • Mobile device turned inactive trigger. It triggers when one or more devices' last sync time are exactly X number of days ago. For example, if one of your users lost their device or has not used the device for the specified 14 days, the rule will trigger and you could email the user asking why they didn't use the device as well as block the mobile device automatically. This trigger is similar to the User turned inactive trigger, except the target is a mobile device instead of a user account.
    • Approve mobile device action.
    • Block mobile device action.
    • Delete mobile device action.
    • Get mobile device info action. Retrieves the properties of a mobile device as variables, e.g. device ID, device OS type, IMEI, model name etc. Please check the complete list of properties within Foresight app. The variables can be piped into the IF action or Email action for further analysis and reporting.
    • Unblock mobile device action.
    • Wipe mobile device action.

Issue fixes

  • Fixed a UI issue that the variable dropdown menu did not match when you type a search keyword.
  • Fixed an issue of the User turned inactive trigger that the same inactive users didn't trigger after a rule update.
  • Fixed a 'reason: unknown' issue for Delete group action.
  • Fixed a 'reason: unknown' for the Add group member action.



  • Rules with the New calendar event trigger would be disabled and you would be notified if your associated Google calendar service was suspended by your administrator.



  • Added a Event Duration variable to the Get calendar event info action. The variable is the number of minutes of a calendar event. It can be used in a use case like "automatically rejecting any meeting invites longer than 60 minutes" or "automatically accept meeting invites shorter than 15 minutes".
  • Removed the default reminders (commonly 10 minutes before the event starts) for buffer events created by the Create calendar buffer events action.



Issue fixes

  • Fixed unknown reason notification and email notification if a rule is disabled by the reason of suspended Google calendar services.
  • Fixed unknown reason notification in Update user directory sharing action
  • Fixed unknown reason notification in Create user action caused by domain user seat reached.
  • Fixed a failed result of checking the conflict of one-time events, that have zero duration, e.g. 3/17 10am - 3/17 10am. Such events do not conflict with any existing events.
  • Fixed unknown reason in Move user to organizational unit action caused by invalid given user email field.



What's New?

  • Added a new action Create calendar buffer events. Buffer times are useful cover things like preparing for a meeting, traveling to a meeting etc. It can also prevent your calendar from overbooked with appointments in a row. This action creates a buffer event before your meeting event and/or a buffer event after your meeting event. Check out the tutorial Auto Add Buffer Times to Google Calendar Events.
  • Add Privacy settings. You can now opt out Anonymous usage tracking and Crash reporting in Settings > Privacy.
  • Updated Google Workspace's new designed icons.

Issue fixes

  • The Recurring times trigger did not consider daylight saving times for some countries, which caused rules run at 1 hour ahead or behind.



Issue fixes

  • Improved the performance of loading the Rule page. Since this version, your rules are now sorted reverse-chronologically by the creation time. New rules are added at the first position instead of the last position.
  • Fix: In rare cases, the New calendar event trigger could trigger twice.



Issue fixes

  • Fixed: No email notifications were sent for rule disabled by certain errors. For example, if a calendar on which you configured a rule for watching new events was removed from your calendar list, the rule would be disabled.
  • improved security and performance



Issue fixes

  • The User turned inactive trigger did not trigger the same user for duplicate rules.
  • The New calendar event trigger did not trigger properly in extreme cases.
  • The User created trigger missed triggering for users in extreme cases.
  • Improved security



What's New?

  • New Google Workspace (Formerly G Suite) triggers and actions. Most of them are user account related.
    • Advanced Protection unenrolled trigger. This triggers when an admin revoked the Advanced Protection (e.g. via Titan Security Key) for a user account.
    • App password revoked trigger
    • Backup code generated trigger. This triggers when an admin force regenerates the 2-Step Verification backup codes for a user, not from the user end.
    • Backup code invalidated trigger
    • Login challenge turned off trigger. This triggers when an admin temporarily turned off the challenge questions for a suspicious login for 10 mins.
    • OAuth token revoked trigger. This triggers when an admin revoked a connected application for a user.
    • Recovery email added trigger
    • Recovery email changed trigger
    • Recovery email deleted trigger
    • Recovery phone added trigger
    • Recovery phone changed trigger
    • Recovery phone deleted trigger
    • User directory sharing changed trigger
    • User password force changed trigger. This triggers when an admin force changed a user's password in Admin Console, not by the user themselves.
    • User sign-in cookies reset trigger
    • Reset user sign-in cookies action
    • Turn off 2SV action. 2SV is short for 2-Step Verification
    • Update employee ID action
    • Update type of employee action
    • Update employee department action
    • Update employee cost center action
    • Update manager email action
    • Update job title action
    • Update employee building ID action
    • Update employee floor name action
    • Update employee floor section action
  • Added Require a password change at the next sign-in, secondary email and phone number options to the Create user action. It's similar to the interface when you create new user in Admin Console.
  • Added an Get calendar event info action. It helps you retrieve key information from a calendar event for further actions, e.g. the creator's email, the event start time, end time, event visibility, Google Meet link etc.
  • Added a help circle help text next to the REQUEST ACCOUNT ACCESS to help you understand which permission the trigger or action requests.
  • Added an option Include events created by Foresight in the New calendar event trigger. By default the option is unchecked, so that those events created by Foresight programmatically do not trigger. This prevents accidental triggers by unwanted events by another rule.
  • Improved security.

Issue fixes

  • Fixed an issue of looped event copying. That some users configured automation rules to copy events between calendars caused endless loops, following Automatically Copy Events from One Google Calendar to Another. This issue has been addressed. Now 2-way copying events are supported. For example, events created from A calendar are automatically copied to calendar B and vice versa.
  • The rule logs warns the failure of attempting to activate a user account if the user account was suspended by abuse.
  • Deleted calendar events were returned when searching for an event in Respond to event or Copy event to calendar actions. Now the deleted events are not displayed.
  • The User turned inactive for X days trigger used to trigger multiple times in a day if the user is not suspended after the rule runs. This version fixed the issue, so the inactive user can only trigger once in that specific day.
  • Fix typos in help text.



  • Improved Foresight security.
  • Fixed: unknown failure reason for suspending admin accounts.
  • Fixed: unknown failure reason for creating groups.
  • Improved handling of burst emailing for the Email action. Add help text to the Email action.



  • Fixed: unexpected wait interrupted result for the Wait action.



  • Add hidden calendars when you select calendars from the drop down list.



What's New?


  • Fix unknown reason when deleting a group member.




  • The Email action's email body editor was not properly formatted, such as font size and text alignment. It's better supported now. This fix only is available for new edits. If you already had an email template, please clear and re-edit.



What's New?

  • Add 21 variables in the Get user info action. Some variables may be empty since the information is not provided in Admin Console. Many variables have 1-1 mapping with Admin Console.
    • Suspension Reason. When the user is suspended, this variable provides a reason.
    • 2SV Enforced?. Indicates if 2-step verification is enforced to the user.
    • 2SV Enrolled?. Indicates if the user is enrolled in 2-step verification.
    • Is archived?. Indicates if the user is archived.
    • Require password change. Indicates if the user is required to change password at their next sign-in.
    • Recovery email. The user's recovery email.
    • Recovery phone. The user's recovery phone.
    • Secondary work email. The user's work email aside from their primary email, shown in the Contact Information of Admin Console.
    • Home Email. The user's home email.
    • Work phone. The user's Work-type phone number in Contact Information of Admin Console.
    • Home phone. The user's Home-type phone number.
    • Mobile phone. The user's Mobile-type phone number.
    • Employee Id.
    • Job title.
    • Type of employee.
    • Manager email. The manager's email address if the user has a manager.
    • Department. User's department within the organization.
    • Cost center.
    • Building Id.
    • Floor name.
    • Floor section.
  • Added Settings > Notification page. This page will is your notification control page. In this version, Foresight supports in-app notification and email notification. For example, if your rules encounter critical errors and cannot proceed, Foresight will automatically disable them and notify you by email.
  • The on-Foresight notification's look-and-feel has been changed. Each notification is colored either green (success) or red (failure). Many notifications have one or more action buttons.
    Notification item look and feel update
  • In Respond to event action, instead of responding as your primary email, you now respond to the event as the calendar itself. This setting is useful when you manage a shared calendar. When someone invites the shared calendar, you can auto accept the event on behalf of the shared calendar, even if your primary email is not invited in the event.
  • Added Update super admin status action. This action allows you, a domain super administrator, to assign a super admin role to a user or revoke it. It's useful for off-boarding workflow.
  • Added Update user directory sharing action. Display or hide a user's contact info in the domain.
  • Added Remove user from all groups action. This single action takes off a user from all groups which the given user is a member of.
  • For your account security, Foresight will log you out after 2 hours of sign-in.

Bug fixes

  • Sending bulk emails at a short burst might hit the Google's per second per user rate limit. The Email action would potentially fail. In this new version, this issue is mitigated.
  • Bulk user creation via csv from Admin Console might hit the Google's per second per user rate limit too. The version improved the situation.



Bug fix

  • For Admins: a recent issue from Google causes an outage of many Audit log-based triggers, e.g. Group member added trigger, User's organizational unit changed trigger etc.
    Google stopped notifying Foresight the events, which trigger the rules, so your automation rules would miss those events and never execute despite of you seeing them in Admin Console.
    While Google's API team is still investigating the issue, this version creates a plan B. Please expect the automation results with a delay of up to 15 minutes.



What's new

  • Added G Suite Administration-wise actions. These actions can be chained to deprovision a user for security concerns.
    • Added Delete user tokens action. Revoke user's connected third-party application access tokens.
    • Added Require password change action. Enforce a requirement on the user to change password at their next sign-in.
    • Added Update user password action. Change a user's password.
    • Added Delete app passwords action. Revoke a user's application-specific passwords.
    • Added Update recovery email action. Update or delete a user's recovery email.
    • Added Update recovery phone action. Update or delete a user's recovery phone.
    • Added Invalidate backup codes action. Invalidate a user's 2-Step Verification (2SV) backup codes so that they cannot sign in their Google account with these codes.
    • Added Generate backup codes action. Generate a new set of 2SV backup codes for a user. The previous backup codes are revoked.
    • Updated Delete user email alias action. The action supports deleting multiple email aliases at once or deleting all email aliases.
  • Updated the password field of Create user action so the password is hashed. For your data security, the password field would no longer be visible after you created the rule. So does the password field in the Require password change action above.
  • Added 2 calendar actions.
    • Delete calendar event action.
    • Copy event to calendar action.
  • Lite plan users are limited to 5 rules only, effective on Aug 1, 2020. See Foresight pricing.

Bug fix

  • The calendar picker in New calendar event action had to be clicked twice to populate.
  • The calendar picker, organizational unit picker and group picker would display blank when creating or saving a rule failed.
  • Removed the image button from the email body toolbar of Email action as Gmail no longer reliably supports embedded images.



Bug fix

  • When you used all action monthly quota, many duplicate notifications were created.
  • The New calendar event trigger didn't trigger correctly for multiple calendars.



Bug fix

  • Occasionally actions are detached from the trigger in the rule preview canvas.
  • Sometimes the Settings > billing page was not loaded correctly.



What's New

Bug fix

  • When emails were sent in bulk too fast, some emails may fail to deliver. It was shown as an unknown error in your rule history.
  • Fix system crash.



What's New

  1. Added 1 trigger and 2 actions associated with Google Calendar. You could make use of them to conditionally accept or decline an event. For example, Auto Decline Conflicting Invitation in Google Calendar or Auto accept invites from a specific person.
    • New calendar event trigger. It triggers when someone invites you to an event, or you created a new event on your own calendar.
    • Check event conflict action. Check if a given event conflicts with other events on your calendars.
    • Respond to event action. Would you go to the event? Yes? No? Maybe?
  2. System welcome email. You'll receive a welcome email at signup.



Bug fix

  • When external users (outside domain) were added to groups, the Group member added event does not trigger. [Thanks for Michael's feedback]



Bug fix

  • The action after IF action was taken regardless of the condition settings. [Thanks for Antoine's feedback]



Bug fix

  • Whitespaces in rule names are trimmed.
  • Log items were not updated properly.



What's New

  • Reconnect Foresight with your Google Account with one click in Settings > Security. If you revoked the permissions accidentally, automation rules in Foresight would fail. To avoid reprocessing individual permissions from one rule to another, this feature simplifies you to reconnect them at once.
  • Rules would be automatically disabled if it failed in critical scenarios such as the account access revoked or expired, or your admin privileges revoked. This prevents the automation rule from executing wasteful actions and generating always failed garbage results. You will be notified for this important change by push notification (email notification in future versions).
  • Added a new User turned inactive trigger, a security-wise trigger for admins to watch inactive users who haven't signed in for certain days. Learn the use case of automatically suspending inactive users.



What's New

  • Added a Log feature. The Log feature displays past rule execution history in recent 3 months. It provides you a more straightforward way to know when the automation rule executed, how many rules succeeded or failed and what changes were made by the rule.
  • Notifications for at the completion of rule execution now show a link to the Log feature instead of displaying the rule history in place.



What's New

  • Foresight is now a free + paid automation service. Free users can use 150 actions per month, the Lite plan. If this is not enough for you, upgrade to Professional plans. Thanks for being our honored guests. With your support, Foresight will help automate more workflows for your business and improve your productivity.
  • Added a dashboard to track your rule execution history.
  • Added an action usage stats and your allowed quota for the current month.


What's New - Add capabilities for G Suite Administrators

  • Added 19 G Suite Administrator related triggers. For Admins, these triggers watch user changes, group changes and organizational units changes you made from admin console.
  • Add 24 G Suite Administrator actions. These actions too include querying and updating user data, group data and organizational units data from your admin console.
  • With varieties of combinations, you will be able to automate more tasks than on admin console. For example, when a user is moved into the organizational unit /Sales, send this user a welcome email and then add him/her to a group.

Bug fixes

  • The Group drop down menu always showed 0 group members.
  • The new user's organizational unit (OU) path now exactly matches the Org Unit Path condition in User created trigger. The condition was considered valid if the user's OU path is a subsidiary of the OU path specified.
  • Fix international language issue on the rule preview.


  • Support sub-domain emails for user creation, suspension and deletion actions.
  • Fixed bugs of unexpectedly shutting off rules with User Created or Group Member Added triggers.


  • Fixed a bug of unexpected rule turning off.
  • Non-admin-role users get clearer error messages of insufficient admin privileges when creating admin only rules.


  • Added a new Action Update vacation responder. This action will automate updating your Gmail vacation settings. For example, turning on it after your business hours daily and automatically turn off during work hours, so your customers won't bother you after hours. Note: this action required you to whitelist Foresight. Otherwise you may not use it or be prompted with an unverified app warning.
  • Added a new If action. With this action, you will be able to control flows, like if this, do that; otherwise do another. It could simplify much of work.
  • Duplicate rules to create similar rules faster!
  • Bug fixes on creating rules.
  • Added a Send feedback option to your profile icon menu. Await your golden advice!


  • Fixed an issue of large email body.

