This article lists common questions to your xFanatical Foresight Account.
How to close my Foresight account?
See Close xFanatical Foresight Account.
Can I connect xFanatical Foresight to a different Google account?
No, it's not supported.
Can I add multiple Google accounts to my xFanatical Foresight account?
No, it's not supported.
Can I run rules as my Google Workspace domain users?
No. It's currently supported.
I cannot sign into xFanatical Foresight. It says "You had deleted your xFanatical Foresight account". What should I do?
Once you have closed an xFanatical Foresight account with a Google account, you're not allowed to sign into the old account or sign up with a new xFanatical Foresight account.
Can I change the email address for my xFanatical Foresight account?
No. It's not supported. A xFanatical Foresight binds with a Google account and automates on behalf of the connected Google account. It's impossible to change the email address.
Not found your questions? Please contact us.