As the number of rules increases in xFanatical Foresight, they can become disorganized, making it difficult to locate specific ones. Sorting rules streamlines navigation, allowing you to quickly find and manage the rule you need.
- Sign into xFanatical Foresight.
- Go to the Rules page.
- On the top right Sort by field, select the sort method.
- After a page refresh, the rules are displayed in the sorted order.
Sort methods
- Name
. Sort rules by the rule name ascendingly (A-Z).
- Name
. Sort rules by the rule name descendingly (Z-A).
- Date created
. Sort rules by the rule creation date ascendingly, from the oldest created rule to the latest.
- Date created
. Sort rules by the rule creation date descendingly, from the latest created rule to the oldest.
- Date modified
. Sort rules by the rule update date ascendingly, from the oldest updated rule to the latest.
- Date modified
. Sort rules by the rule update date descendingly, from the latest updated rule to the oldest.
- Trigger type
. Sort the rules by the trigger type ascendingly.
- Trigger type
. Sort the rules by the trigger type descendingly.
- Rule status
. Sort the rules by the rule's status ascendingly, from disabled rules to enabled rules. Rules with the Data uploaded trigger and Manual trigger are always regarded as enabled.
- Rule status
. Sort the rules by the rule's status descendingly, from enabled rules to disabled rules.