
In this article, you will explore how to auto add buffer times to Google Calendar Events. In today's fast-paced world, managing your time effectively is crucial for productivity and stress management. One common challenge is the back-to-back scheduling of meetings, which leaves little time for preparation, travel, or even a quick mental reset. Enter xFanatical Foresight, a tool that seamlessly integrates with Google Calendar to automatically add buffer times to your events. 

The Problem with Back-to-Back Meetings

Back-to-back meetings can be a productivity killer. Without buffer time, you may find yourself constantly rushing, unprepared, and overwhelmed. This often leads to diminished focus and effectiveness in your tasks. The lack of transition time can make it difficult to reflect on the previous meeting and prepare for the next one, reducing the quality of your contributions.

Introducing xFanatical Foresight Automation tool

xFanatical Foresight Automation tool is a powerful automation tool designed to help you manage your Google Calendar more efficiently. By automatically adding buffer times to your events, xFanatical Foresight ensures that you have the necessary gaps between meetings. This tool can be customized to fit your specific needs, whether you need 5, 10, or even 15-minute buffers.

Video Demo

Rule Creation 

  1. Log in to your xFanatical Foresight account with your Google Admin account. 
  2. Go to the Rules page and click the New Rule button.
  3. Select the New calendar event trigger from the select a trigger screen.New-calendar-event
  4. Ensure xFanatical Foresight obtains access permission from your Google Workspace Account. You’ll see the Access granted calendar event
  5. In the Calendars field, select the Primary Calendar. This means xFanatical Foresight watches for new meeting invites on your primary calendar.
  6. Leave Also include events I was not invited, Also include events I created options unchecked.Calendars field, select Primary Calendar
  7. Click Next.
  8. In the Select an action screen, select Create calendar buffer events action.Create calendar buffer events action
  9. In the Edit Create calendar buffer events action screen, 
    • In the Calendar field, select the Calendar Id variable from the drop-down menu.
    • In the Event field, select the Calendar Event Id variable from the drop-down menu.
    • In the Pre-buffer time field, choose the duration of the buffer event before the meeting.
    • In the Post-buffer time field, choose the duration of the buffer event after the meeting.
  10. Click Review.Edit Create calendar buffer events action screen
  11. Enter the Rule name, Click Create.
Auto Add Buffer Times to Google Calendar Events- Create Rule name
Auto Add Buffer Times to Google Calendar Events- Rule Workflow

xFanatical Foresight rule graph for Auto Add Buffer Times to Google Calendar Events

Rule Triggering

  • To trigger the rule, ask your colleagues to send you a few test meeting invites. Buffer times will be automatically created shortly after the invites appear in your Google Calendar.
Auto Add Buffer Times to Google Calendar Events- Rule triggering

Rule Verification

  1. A notification will appear in the top right-hand corner. Click on it, then select View View log.
  2. Additionally check the Logs page for the status of successful rule triggering.
Auto Add Buffer Times to Google Calendar Events- Foresight Log Page


Incorporating buffer times into your daily schedule can significantly improve your time management and overall productivity. With xFanatical Foresight Automation tool, adding these essential gaps to your Google Calendar events becomes effortless. Don't let back-to-back meetings drain your energy and efficiency. Try xFanatical Foresight today and take control of your schedule like never before.


  1. The Create calendar buffer events action does not support all-day events or recurring events, but only one-time meetings.
  2. The demonstrated case does not create buffer times for events created by yourself. If you also need that, check the Also include events I created option in your New calendar event trigger.
  3. If you want sophisticated automation use cases, such as excluding meeting invites from specific person, or on specific date range, you may create a rule like New calendar buffer events => Get calendar event info => If (Event start time is after 5/1/2021) => Create calendar buffer events.
  4. To automatically delete buffer events, create a rule of Calendar event deleted => Delete calendar buffer events. If the meeting invites are cancelled by the organizer, the companion buffer events are deleted too.
  5. To automatically update buffer events, create a rule of Calendar event updated => Delete calendar buffer events => Create calendar buffer events. Foresight will delete the old buffer events and re-create new buffer events attached to the updated main event.

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