This article answers frequently asked questions to Safe Doc billing.

How many licenses do I need for my school?

Short answer: one.

In School plan, one license key covers all students with the same email domain. Regardless of the size of your school, as long as your students share with the same domain name, you only need to pay for the price of one license.

If your students are assigned with different domains, you need to contact us to purchase a School Plus plan license. This is common in a school district.

Where can I find the pricing information of Safe Doc?

See Safe Doc Pricing page.

How can I get Safe Doc licenses?

This Safe Doc License Application Process instructs you to get your license.

How can I get a Safe Doc quote?

If your school has only one student email domain, first get a 30-days trial license and sign into the Safe Doc customer portal to get a quote.

If your school has more than one student email domains, please Contact Us for the quote.

How can I pay for our Safe Doc annual license?

You can make the payment sign into the Safe Doc customer portal.

Can I auto renew my annual license?

Yes, you can subscribe license auto-renewal from the Safe Doc customer portal.

When should I purchase / renew my license?

At your convenience. You don't have to wait for your existing license to expire. For example, you can request purchasing the annual license at any time during the 30-days trial.

Is credit card required upfront for the trial?


Can I get a W-9 form?

Yes. Please contact us for the W-9 form.

Where should I send the purchase order to?

Please upload your PO from our Safe Doc customer portal, or email your purchase order to [email protected].

I paid the annual license invoice, but I don't receive the annual license email. Why?

Our system send you an email with the annual license information momentarily after you pay the invoice, from our notification-only email address [email protected].

Please check if the email is in your Spam folder of your email service. If so, you can create an exception to whitelist [email protected], so that any emails from this email address won't go into your spam folder.

Not found your question?

Contact us.