
In this blog, you will revolutionize your Google search with advanced tricks and to improve your efficiency of searching. By revolutionizing your Google search with advanced tricks, you can search anything on Google with the highest ease. It helps you to find the most accurate results in a few seconds. Using these tricks during the search saves you time and avoid unnecessary results in the process. Moreover, these tricks help you to boost your search engine marketing effort and stay on top of the market.

Using Google search tricks for quick results

Here are the tricks you need to know for an efficient Google search –

  • Word definitions and etymologies

If you want to get a definition of a word from a Google search, simply add define before the word or phrase. If you want to know the etymology of the word, then add etymology before the word.  


define azure

etymology azureGoogle search tricks – find definition of a word

Google search tricks to find etymology of a word
Google search tricks to find etymology of a word
  • Quick calculations

You can easily perform mathematical operations through Google search. You just have to enter the mathematical equation on the search bar, and then the in-built calculator Google generates the output. 


20*56 = 1120

 Google search tricks to perform any mathematical operations
Google search tricks to perform any mathematical operations

Also, there is a trick to splitting lunch or dinner bills among colleagues! Simply search for a tip calculator; the in-built tip calculator will split the restaurant bill within a few seconds. This is one of the popular Google search fun tricks. 


Enter Bill as 1000, Tip % as 15%, and Number of people as 5.

So, the Tip per person will be $30 and the Total per person $230.

Google search tricks to use tip calculator
Google search tricks to use tip calculator
  • Google search results from a specific website 

It’s one of the simple, quick, and useful Google search tricks. Suppose you want to get a blog about no-code automation from xFanatical Foresight. Simply you have to add site: [website address] on the search bar to get the result. In our case, the search term will be ‘no-code automation’. This trick also helps you to find out information from a specific site. 

Remember that, in this case, you don’t need to enter https://, http://, or www for the website address. 


site: no-code automation

Get your search results from a specific site using Google
Get your search results from a specific site using Google
  • The current time for any place in the world

You can quickly retrieve the current time for any place in this world from your Google search results. Just type time in [city] in the search bar to get your results. This is one of the significant Google hacks you must know.


time in Ontario

Know current time of a city using clever Google search tricks
Know current time of a city using clever Google search tricks

Moreover, if you want to find out the difference between the time zones of the two cities, then enter [city] to [city] time in the search bar. 


Miami to Paris timeGoogle lets you know the difference between two time zones

  • Current weather status

One of the popular Google search tricks is to get the real-time weather status for any location. If you want to know the temperature of your current location, simply enter the word weather on the search bar. You will get the current temperature and one-week weather forecast of your locality instantly. 

Again, if you want to know about the weather in another location, then enter weather [location] in the search bar. You will get the current temperature of that place and the weather forecast for the next 7 days, too. 


weather Kansas city

Google search tricks – find weather of a location
Google search tricks – find weather of a location
  • Quick currency conversion

When traveling abroad, you need to convert currency. For this, you will get Google search tricks. You can convert your currency by entering this - [value of first unit] to [second unit].


1000 dollar to euro

Google helps you convert a currency
Google helps you convert a currency

Otherwise, simply search currency converter and perform your Google search. 

  • Dates of upcoming holidays

This is another Google search for fun tricks that help you to easily find out your upcoming holidays. Simply, enter [holiday name] [year] to find out the date.


American Independence day 2024

Quickly find a specific holiday using Google
Quickly find a specific holiday using Google
  • Translate a word in another language

One of the best Google hacks is translating a specific word into another language. So simply, enter [word] in [language] Google search bar and get your result.


 food in German

Google search tricks for translation
Google search tricks for translation
  • Calculate the distance between two places

Another Google search fun trick is calculating the distance between two places. This trick becomes useful when you’re planning a trip to a specific travel destination. Simply, you have to enter [location A] to [location B] distance in the search bar. You will get the distance between two places. Remember that this trick is applicable when there is an ocean between the two places. Also, Google will show search results with flights in this case. 


Florida to Singapore distance

Find distance between two places using smart Google search tricks
Find distance between two places using smart Google search tricks

Moreover, you can find out the time taken to travel this distance from Google search. So, enter [location A] to [location B] and Google will show the time taken to reach your target destination through different transportation modes like - by car, by bus, on bike, by train, or by walking. Also, Google will show possible flight options if flights are available between these two places. 


Chicago to New York

Find the top search results with distance and flight options of the target place using Google search tricks
Find the top search results with distance and flight options of the target place using Google search tricks
 Google shows time taken for traveling by car
By car, Google shows the time taken to travel
Google shows time taken for traveling by bus
Google shows time taken for traveling by bus
Google displays flight options for that place
Google displays flight options for that place
  • Find the exact match search result

When you want to find the search result for a specific phrase, then place the search term within quotation in the search bar.


‘‘Advanced Google search tricks you must know''

This is one of the useful Google search tricks to check plagiarism. You can pick a specific sentence and search with quotation marks to find if any exact matches are shown on the search result. 

Retrieve results for exact matches using smart Google search tricks
Retrieve results for exact matches using smart Google search tricks

Basic Google search operators

Google search operators help to improve your Google search experience by providing accurate results. So, let’s go through some basic Google search operators. 

  1. AND
    • Add AND between two words and enter it on the search bar. You will get the results for both the search items. Example: Surds AND IndicesGoogle search trick to find results for both of your search items
  2. OR
    • When you use this operator, you will get one of the results between two searched items. Example: Surds OR Indices
  3.  |
    • You can use the | symbol instead to get the same search result as the OR operator. Example: Surds|Indices
  4.  “ ”
    • Use this operator to get the exactly matched search result for your searched item. Example: "Content writing jobs"
  5. ()
    • Use the parenthesis operator to group a specific item within your searching item. Example:  (financial content) writing jobs
  6. @
    • This operator will help you to get results from social media Example: @instagramGoogle search tricks to find results related to social media
  7. #
    • You will find hashtags using this operator. Example: #sundaymotivation
  8. -
    • If you want to exclude any item from your search result, then just put this operator before that item. Example: Digital marketing –emailGoogle search trick to exclude an item from your search phrase
      The search result should be related to digital marketing, not email. 
  9. ..
    • When you want to get a result related to a specific range of time or numbers, then you have to use this operator. Example: FIFA world cup results 1996..2022Google search trick to retrieve results for a range of numbers or time
  10. in
    • If you want to convert one unit to another, then put this operator between them. Example: 10 lb to kgGoogle search tricks to convert one unit to another

Advanced Google search operators

Use these Google search tricks with advanced search operators -

  • related:

It helps you to find web contents similar to a specific website.


  • filetype:

It helps you to search for a specific file type.

Example: filetype : DOCFind results on specific file type using Google search tricks

  • map: 

Find a map of a specific location.

Example: map: LondonEasily get map of a specific place using Google search tricks

  • intext:

When you’re looking for a specific text in a content, then use this operator. 

Example: intext: email marketing

It will provide you with all search results related to email marketing.

  • inurl:

It helps you to find a URL that includes a certain word/phrase.

Example: inurl: b2b marketing

  • intitle: 

It helps you to search for a page title with a specific keyword.

Example: intitle: b2c marketing

  • cache:

By using this keyword, you can find out the most recent version (saved by Google) of a webpage. 

Example: cache:

  • stocks:

It helps you to get information about a stock.

Example: stocks: nasdaqGoogle search trick to get results about stocks

  • inposttitle:

This operator helps you to search for a specific term within blog post titles. 

Example: inposttitle: sahara desert

  • define: 

This operator helps you to find out the definition of a word.

Example: define: business management

How to refine your search with Google search filters?

Another useful Google hacks search is Google search filters. So, let’s know about some useful Google search filters -

  • Google search tricks to filter search results by the type of information

In every SERP of Google, you will find several categories of filters like - All, Videos, Images, News, Shopping, and More. Under the More tab, again you will find Books, Maps, Finance, and Flights. Apply these filters to refine your search results by each category. Google search tricks to filter your result with type of information

  • Filter by a specific time

When you want to find results that have been published or edited within a specific time frame, then you can use a Google search filter. You have to click the Tools menu from the bottom of the search bar. After clicking on it, you will find two dropdown features - Any time and All results. Within these features, you will find several filters. Google search tricks for finding published or edited results within specific time frame

Google search tricks for finding all results
Google search tricks for finding all results
  • Filters to refine your search or a specific place 

You can use these filters to get information about a specific place –

  1. Cuisine: 
    • It shows the places that serve specific types of foods. Example: Cuisine: LondonGoogle search tricks to find cuisine of a place
  2. Price: 
    • Find out the living cost of that place. Example: Price: LondonGoogle search tricks to find the cost of living of a place
  3.   Hours:
    • Find out a place based on its opening hours. Example: Hours: Sydney harbor bridgeGoogle search trick to find the opening hours of a place
  4. Rating: 
    • You will find the rating on a specific place on Google. Example: Rating: Sydney harbor bridge
Google search tricks to find the rating of a place
Google search tricks to find the rating of a place

To find out more about Google search filters, go to this page. 

How does the automation solution of xFanatical Foresight improve your regular workflows?

With cutting-edge no-code automation technology, Foresight helps to streamline your regular workflows and eliminates unnecessary repetitive tasks. With this approach, it improves the overall efficiency and productivity of your business. That’s why it assists you in staying competitive and improves ROI. The user-friendly interface of this automation platform assists you in creating customized automation use cases for Google Workspace workflows. 

So, implement no-code automation solutions with this platform and learn the use cases from it. For example, you can learn to Export active users in Google Workspace, etc. 


Searching on Google is straightforward, but it becomes even easier when you know the right tricks. In just a few seconds, you can get the information you want without any stress. Moreover, knowing the Google search tricks helps you to get accurate results without any hassle. However, many such tricks are available for Google search, and it is impossible to cover all of them in one blog. But you can always learn more about them from the page - How to search on Google.

Additionally, utilize the power of Foresight in your daily workflows. It helps to manage your time and boost productivity. So, try a 14-day free trial and start your journey with Foresight.