
In this short article we will see How to find your Google Calendar ID. In the digital age, staying organized is crucial. Google Calendar has become a go-to tool for managing appointments, events, and tasks. But have you ever wondered how to find your Google Calendar ID? In this blog post, we will guide you through the steps to uncover this hidden gem.

Understanding Google Calendar ID

Google Calendar ID is a unique identifier assigned to each calendar within your Google account. This ID allows you to differentiate and access specific calendars, especially when integrating them with third-party applications or sharing them with others.

Where to find the calendar ID?

  • Open Google Calendar
  • Hover over any calendar on My calendars , three dots will appear. click the three dots.
  • Select Settings and sharing
  • Find the long string at the address bar as shown below. That's your Calendar ID.
The email address is your Google Calendar ID.

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What types of Google Calendars ID are there?

  • Your primary calendar. This calendar ID is just your email address
  • Shared calendar.
  • Resource calendars.
  • Holiday calendars by country
  • Phase of Moon
  • Sport calendars

What is the use of Google Calendar IDs?

  • To retrieve the Google Calendar API
  • To send special events to specific calendars
  • Used in our Foresight product, e.g.


Finding your Google Calendar ID might have seemed like a daunting task, but with the steps outlined in this blog post, you can now easily locate and utilize this essential identifier. Whether you're integrating your calendar with other tools or sharing it with colleagues, knowing your Calendar ID opens up a world of possibilities for efficient organization and collaboration.

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