
In this article, we will learn about how do I enable the waiting room feature in Google Meet? In today's digital age, virtual meetings have become an essential part of our professional lives. With the advancement in technology, there are numerous video conferencing platforms available to choose from. One of the most popular and reliable options is Google Meet. It's easy to use Google Meet, whether you're conducting an online workshop, a client presentation, or a team meeting.

What is the Waiting Room feature in Google Meet?

The Waiting Room feature in Google Meet acts as a virtual lobby where participants wait before being allowed to join the meeting. This feature provides the host with control over who can enter the meeting, ensuring a secure and organized session. When enabled, participants are placed in the Waiting Room and can only join the meeting after being admitted by the host. Source

Benefits of using the Waiting Room feature

There are several benefits to using the Waiting Room feature in Google Meet:

  • It enhances the security of your meetings by allowing you to screen participants before granting them access. This helps prevent unwanted attendees and ensures that only authorized individuals can join the meeting.
  • The Waiting Room feature enables a more organized meeting experience. By placing participants in a virtual queue, you can control the flow of the meeting and avoid interruptions. This is particularly useful when conducting large meetings or events where managing participant entry becomes crucial.
  • Moreover, Using the Waiting Room promotes a more professional environment by discouraging attendees from entering the meeting early or causing distractions. This helps maintain order and ensures that all participants have the chance to contribute.

Step-by-step guide on enabling the Waiting Room feature in Google Meet

Enabling the Waiting Room feature in Google Meet is a simple process that can be done in just a few steps. Follow the guide below to ensure a smooth implementation:

  • Accessing Google Meet settings: Open Google Meet in your web browser and sign in to your Google account. Once signed in, click on the gear icon located in the top-right corner of the screen to access the settings menu. Google Meet
  • Enabling the Waiting Room feature: Navigate to the "New meeting" tab.enabling the Waiting Room feature
  • Schedule a Meeting in Google Calendar: Click on the Schedule in Google Calendar
  1. Now You'll be redirected to Google Calendar to schedule your meeting.
  2. Fill in the meeting details like title, date, time, and participants.
  3. Look for the "settings".
  4. Locate the "Hos Controls".
  5. Then Click on the “Trusted” option to make adjustments or enable features related to trusted participants or host permissions.Schedule a Meeting in Google Calendar
Host controls
  • Saving the changes: Once you have customized the Waiting Room settings, click on the "Save" button at the bottom of the settings menu. This will ensure that your preferences are applied to all future meetings.Waiting Room settings

Best practices for using the Waiting Room feature

While the Waiting Room feature in Google Meet provides enhanced security and control, it is important to follow best practices to ensure a seamless meeting experience. The following tips will help you get the most out of this feature:

  • Communicate the Waiting Room process: Inform your participants in advance about the Waiting Room feature and how it will work. This will help them understand the process and avoid any confusion or frustration.
  • Admit participants promptly: If you choose to manually admit participants, make sure to do so promptly. This will prevent any unnecessary delays and ensure a smooth flow of the meeting.
  • Set clear meeting guidelines: Utilize the custom welcome message to provide participants with clear meeting guidelines and expectations. This can help establish a professional and productive atmosphere right from the start.
  • Regularly review participant queue: Keep an eye on the participant queue throughout the meeting to ensure that no unauthorized individuals are waiting to join. This will help maintain the security and integrity of the session.

How to Troubleshoot Common Waiting Room Issues

While the Waiting Room feature in Google Meet is designed to provide a seamless meeting experience, there may be instances where you encounter some issues. The following are a few common problems and their solutions:

  • Participants unable to join: If participants are unable to join the meeting even after being admitted from the Waiting Room, check their internet connection and ensure that they have the necessary permissions to access Google Meet.
  • Delays in admitting participants: If you experience delays in admitting participants from the Waiting Room, consider delegating this task to a co-host or designating a dedicated person for participant management.
  • Unauthorized participants gaining access: If unauthorized participants manage to enter the meeting, immediately remove them and review your Waiting Room settings for any potential vulnerabilities.

The future of the Waiting Room feature in Google Meet

Google Meet is continuously evolving to meet the changing needs of its users, and the Waiting Room feature is no exception. As virtual meetings become more prevalent, Google is likely to introduce additional enhancements and customization options to further improve the Waiting Room experience. Some potential future developments may include:

  • Integration with third-party authentication: Google Meet may integrate with third-party authentication services to provide an additional layer of security and identity verification for participants.
  • Enhanced participant management: Google Meet may introduce more advanced participant management features, such as the ability to assign roles and permissions to individuals within the Waiting Room.
  • Automatic screening: In the future, Google Meet may introduce automated screening processes to identify and prevent potential security risks before participants enter the meeting.

Additional features in Google Meet for a seamless meeting experience

While the Waiting Room feature is a valuable addition to Google Meet, there are several other features that can enhance your overall meeting experience. Here are a few notable features:

  • Screen sharing: Share your screen with participants to present slides, documents, or any other visual content during the meeting.
  • Live captions: Enable live captions to provide real-time text transcription of the meeting, ensuring accessibility for participants with hearing impairments.
  • Breakout rooms: Divide participants into smaller groups for focused discussions or activities, allowing for more interactive and engaging sessions. Source
  • Recording meetings: Google Meet allows you to record your meetings, enabling you to revisit important discussions or share them with absent participants.


Enabling the Waiting Room feature in Google Meet is a simple yet effective way to enhance the security and organization of your virtual meetings. By following the step-by-step guide and implementing best practices, you can ensure a seamless meeting experience for both hosts and participants. With continuous updates and future developments, Google Meet remains a reliable choice for professionals seeking a user-friendly and secure video conferencing platform.

Remember to leverage additional features such as screen sharing, live captions, breakout rooms, and meeting recordings to further enhance your meetings. Embrace the power of Google Meet and elevate your virtual collaboration to new heights.

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