Here's a list of all actions available in xFanatical Foresight. Learn more about Action. The list is subject to change constantly as xFanatical Foresight updates.
The first Service column is the connected Google service of an action, illustrated by an icon as it's recognizable. A N/A means the action does not connect to any external services. The second Name column is a short action name, which would be displayed in your rule preview. The third Description column is a more verbose notes. More usage information is in the xFanatical Foresight app.
Service | Name | Description |
N/A | Wait | Wait N seconds before running next action. N is between [1, 600], i.e. 1 seconds to 10 minutes. |
N/A | If | Perform different actions based on conditions. |
N/A | Convert datetime (Alias: Create datetime) | Create a new datetime variable relative to an existing datetime |
N/A | Convert date | Convert a date to another date |
N/A | Upload data to rule | Uploads a CSV file to another rule |
N/A | Generate password | Generate a random password |
N/A | Extract data from text | Extract data from text as a variable |
Deprovision Chrome device | Deprovision a Chrome OS device | |
Disable Chrome device | Disable a Chrome OS device | |
Get Chrome device info | Retrieves a Chrome OS device's properties | |
Issue command to Chrome device | Issue a command a Chrome OS device to execute | |
List Chrome devices | List and export Chrome OS devices as a CSV file | |
Move Chrome device to OU | Move a Chrome OS device to an organizational unit | |
Re-enable Chrome device | Re-enable a Chrome OS device | |
Update Chrome device | Edit annotated custom fields of a Chrome OS device | |
Add group alias | Add an email alias to a Google group. | |
Add group member | Add a user to a specific Google group in Admin Console. | |
Check group membership | Check whether a user is a member of a Google group | |
Create group | Create a Google group in your domain | |
Delete group | Removes a Google group | |
Delete group alias | Remove an email alias for a Google group | |
Delete group member | Remove a member from a Google group | |
Edit group description | Update a Google group's description | |
Edit group email | Change a group's primary email | |
Get group info | Retrieve a Google group's meta information by its primary email | |
Get group settings info | Retrieves a Google group's settings | |
List group members | List and export group members as a CSV file | |
List groups | List and export Google groups as a CSV file | |
Rename group | Edit a Google group's display name | |
Update group settings | Edit and update the settings and a Google group | |
Approve mobile device | Approve an unprovisioned mobile device | |
Block mobile device | Block a mobile device from syncing work data | |
Delete mobile device | Remove a mobile device from the Devices list | |
Get mobile device info | Retrieves a mobile device's properties | |
Unblock mobile device | Unblock a blocked mobile device | |
Wipe mobile device | Remote remove corporate data from a mobile device | |
Create organizational unit | Create an organizational unit in your domain | |
Delete organizational unit | Remove an organizational unit from your domain | |
Edit organizational unit description | Update the description of an organizational unit | |
Get organizational unit info | Retrieve the information of an organizational unit | |
List organizational units | List and export organizational units as a CSV file | |
Move organizational unit | Move an organizational under another parent organizational unit | |
Rename organizational unit | Update the name of an organizational unit | |
Get apps report | Retrieves a day's apps report of your organization | |
List admin activity logs | List and export admin activities as a CSV file | |
List drive logs | List and export Google Drive activities as a CSV file | |
List user usages | List and export user usage data as a CSV file | |
Create calendar resource | Add a new calendar resource to the organization | |
Delete calendar resource | Delete a calendar resource | |
Get calendar resource info | Retrieves the information of a calendar resource | |
List calendar resources | Export a list of calendar resources as a CSV file | |
Update calendar resource | Edit and update an existing calendar resource | |
Create building | Add a building into your organization | |
Delete building | Delete a building resource from your organization | |
Get building info | Retrieves the information of a building resource | |
List buildings | List and export a list of building resources as a CSV file | |
Update building | Update a building resource of your organization | |
Create calendar resource feature | Create a calendar resource feature | |
Delete calendar resource feature | Delete a calendar resource feature | |
List calendar resource features | Export all calendar resource features in your organization as a CSV file | |
Delete app passwords | Revoke user's application-specific passwords | |
Delete user tokens | Revoke user's application access tokens | |
Generate backup codes | Generate new 2-Step Verification (2SV) backup codes for a user | |
Invalidate backup codes | Invalidate a user's current 2-Step Verification (2SV) backup codes | |
Add user email aliases | Add email aliases to a user | |
Archive user | Archive a user in your domain | |
Create data transfer request | Create a data transfer request between users | |
Create user | Create a user account in your domain | |
Delete user | Delete a user from your domain | |
Delete user email alias | Remove an email alias from a user | |
Delete user profile photo | Deletes a user's profile photo | |
Edit user first name | Update a user's first name | |
Edit user last name | Update a user's last name | |
Edit user primary email | Update a user's primary email address | |
Get data transfer request info | Retrieves the status of a data transfer request | |
Get user info | Retrieve a user's information by the primary email | |
List users | List and export users as a CSV file | |
Move user to organizational unit | Move a user to a different organizational unit | |
Reactivate user | Reactivate a user from suspended status | |
Recover user | Restore a recently deleted user | |
Remove user from all groups | Remove a user's memberships from all groups | |
Require password change | Require a password change at user's next sign-in (or cancel it) | |
Reset user password | Reset a user's login password | |
Reset user sign-in cookies | Reset a user's sign-in cookies and sign them out across all devices | |
Suspend user | Suspend a user in your domain | |
Turn off 2SV | Turn off 2-Step Verification for a user | |
Unarchive user | Unarchive a user in your domain | |
Update employee ID | Update a user's employee ID information | |
Update employee building ID | Update the building id for a user | |
Update employee cost center | Update the employee cost center information for a user | |
Update employee department | Update the department for a user | |
Update employee floor name | Update the floor name for a user | |
Update employee floor section | Update the floor section for a user | |
Update employee information | Update multiple properties of a user's employee information at once | |
Update job title | Update the job title for a user | |
Update manager email | Update the manager's email information for a user | |
Update recovery email | Update or delete a user's recovery email | |
Update recovery phone | Update or delete a user's recovery phone | |
Update super admin status | Assign or revoke a user's Super Admin Role | |
Update type of employee | Update the type of employee information for a user | |
Update user directory sharing | Show or hide a user's contact in the organization's directory | |
Update user profile photo | Adds or updates a profile photo to a user | |
Send an email to multiple recipients from your Gmail | ||
Update vacation responder | Update your Gmail's vacation responder settings | |
Add event attendee | Invite an attendee to a calendar event | |
Check event attendees | Check if certain emails are invited in a calendar event | |
Check event conflict | Check if a calendar event conflicts with other events | |
Copy event to calendar | Copy an event to another calendar | |
Create calendar buffer events | Add buffer times before and after a calendar event | |
Create calendar event | Create a Google Calendar event | |
Delete calendar buffer events | Delete the buffer events created for a calendar event | |
Delete calendar event | Delete an event from your calendar | |
Get calendar agenda | Retrieve the agenda of your subscribed Google calendars | |
Get calendar event info | Retrieve the detailed information of a calendar event | |
List calendar events | List and export calendar events as a CSV file | |
Respond to event | Respond to a calendar event invite with 'Yes/No/Maybe' | |
Get form response info | Retrieves the information of a Google Forms response | |
Upload data to Drive | Uploads a CSV data file to Google Drive | |
Send message to Chat | Send a message to a Google Chat space via Webhook |