
In this blog, you will explore free Google Sheet templates aids productivity: An Overview. As a working professional, knowing how free Google Sheet Templates aid productivity can make your life easy. With the help of these templates, you can now easily organize, manage, edit, and visualize your important data without any struggle. Moreover, when you have access to these free Google Sheets templates, you don’t need to create your reports and records manually. These in-built templates come with easy-to-use structures and several fields that save you time, improving your productivity and reducing your effort. 

How to find free Google Sheets templates?

  1. Open Google Sheets from your computer. Open Google Sheets from the apps icon
  2. Then, go to the Template GalleryClick on Template Gallery
  3. In this gallery, you will find different free Google Sheets templates related to your work and personal usage. Find free Google Sheets templates from the Template Gallery

Find free Google Sheets templates from the Template Gallery

  1. Open an existing or a new Google Sheet.
  2. Then, click Extensions > Add-ons > Get add-ons.Find free Google Sheets templates from Extensions Add-ons Get add-ons
  3. Next, type Vertex42 in the search bar and click Enter. After that, install the add-on.Type ‘Vertex42’ in the search barInstall the free Google Sheets templates
  4. Now you have to access the templates by clicking Extensions > Template Gallery for Sheets
  5. Click Browse TemplatesFind free Google Sheets templates – Extensions Template Gallery for Sheets Browse Templates
  6. Now you can get different templates from here. Find free Google Sheets templates from here

Types of free Google Sheets templates for better productivity

Google spreadsheet templates for finance management

  • Annual business budget template Google Sheets

It’s essential for creating and managing annual business budget reports for all organizations. It helps to make informed financial decisions for the upcoming years. This Google Sheets template comes with four tabs - Setup, Income, Expenses, and Summary. Each tab incorporates several subcategories. For example, the Expenses tab includes costs of services/costs of goods, insurance, legal, taxes, customer acquisition, and more. On the Setup page, you will see the guidelines for using the template. 

So, it becomes a good budget template for Google Sheets, which provides several custom options to meet your business needs.  Annual budget tracker Google Sheets template

  • Expense report

Knowing the day-to-day expenditure is mandatory for running a business successfully. But it’s quite common to not record expenses, or not use the right template for the job. As a result, it creates a lot of issues during auditing, and everyone has to go through a lot of paperwork to get it sorted.

So, to cut on such problems, you should use one of the best free Google Sheets templates for expense management. The template has a simple structure, which helps you craft your report easily and recall it later. Find free Google Sheets templates – Expense Report

  • Purchase order

The purchase order templates provide a time-saving hack for professionals to track and manage their purchase orders. It includes columns for item name, description, quantity, unit price, and total price. Then, it includes the rows for subtotal, shipping and handling, and taxes. Thus, by using this template, you can easily keep track of the orders and manage them efficiently.  Google Sheets template – Purchase Order

Google Sheets templates for calendar

  • Content calendar template Google Sheets

A content calendar helps content marketers plan and schedule their content-related activities. You can include the activities for different types of content within this calendar template, such as - bogs, newsletters, articles, videos, and more. Generally, this template includes the fields for content topics, deadlines, responsible parties, publishing channels, keywords, etc. 

Thus, a content calendar template Google Sheets helps you to maintain your content planning and schedule and ensures that you don’t miss the delivery deadlines. In this way, you can adapt more successful content marketing strategies. Google Sheets template – Content Calendar

  • Social media calendar template Google Sheets

Social media is a perfect way to increase your engagement and communication with the audience. Thus, by posting social media content, you can gain more followers and eventual customers. But all you need to know is the right strategy and time for posting on social media. The social media calendar template Google Sheets assists you in creating a powerful social media strategy so that you don’t miss any opportunity to post on this platform. 

Usually, this calendar includes social media content topics, publish date, details, content link, content type, social network name, etc. So, by using this calendar template, you can make your social media presence consistent and assembled. Google Sheets template – Social Media Content Plan Calendar

  • Annual calendar

The annual calendar is one of the best free Google Sheets templates, and it lets you plan, visualize, and edit your yearly schedules. There is a tab for viewing the yearly calendar and also it consists of tabs for twelve separate months. Additionally, there is a tab for customizing the calendar by choosing different things. 

So, don’t worry about your yearly planning! You can easily mark your dates with this Google Sheets template. Google Sheets template – Annual Calendar

Google Sheets templates for customers

  • CRM

CRM, or customer relation management, helps you to manage and automate your interaction with potential customers. However, small organizations or start-ups can’t initially integrate a CRM system. In this case, they can use this free CRM template from Google Sheets. This is one of the handy Google Sheets templates you should use for your customer relationship management. This template not only includes a professional dashboard but also includes tabs for people, companies, opportunities, and settings. 

So, this template is perfect for effective CRM, acquiring valuable insights, and tracking and monitoring the statuses. Also, by sharing this template with your co-workers, you can maintain effective collaboration with your team. Google Sheets template – Customer relationship management

  • Invoice

Google Sheets invoice template become helpful for customers as well as small businesses. This invoice template simplifies and streamlines your invoice generation process. Additionally, this template provides all the necessary information like unit price, total price, subtotal, and more so that your invoice looks more professional and insightful. Moreover, you can customize this template as per your requirements.Google Sheets template – Invoice

  • Website traffic dashboard

If you want to analyze with Google Analytics, then you should use the website traffic dashboard template from Google Sheets. This template provides an overview of all the key metrics of Google Analytics. Also, it will help you to identify and analyze the best-performing traffic sources. Thus, it helps you to understand your strengths and areas of improvement for better SEO strategies. 

You can use this template with the Google Sheets add-on for analyzing and monitoring data from SEO, PPC, and social media. Google Sheets template – Website traffic dashboard

  • Website paid traffic report

This tool becomes useful when you analyze and report the performance of your business's paid ads. It assists you in automatically collecting data from Google Analytics for your paid source. Utilizing this data creates a distinct chart that provides your total traffic, bounce rate, and percentage of PPC for target conversion. This template is customizable for different channels and periods. Google Sheets template –Website paid traffic report

Google Sheets templates for project management

  • Project Timeline

If you’re looking to manage your project’s timeline, it is one of the user-friendly free Google Sheets templates you must use. Significantly, it helps to break a large project into small modules and organize each step of that project. 

This template includes fields like project conception and initiation, definition and planning, launch and execution, performance and control, and closing. Further, you can see that there are several subfields in each field. In this way, you can prepare a professional project management record. Google Sheets template – Project Timeline

  • Project tracking

Are you hustling to manage multiple projects simultaneously? Don’t worry! The project tracking template from Google Sheets can solve your problem. This simple Google Sheets project tracking template helps you to organize your projects without hustling for long hours. So, you can now arrange your project requirements by their dates, costs, status, hours, and deliverables. Google Sheets template – Project Tracking

  • Event marketing

With the event marketing template, you can effectively manage your marketing activities. In this template, you can find the fields for content marketing, local marketing, national marketing, sales campaigns, and more.  That’s why it provides an all-in-one solution for your event marketing. Google Sheets template – Event Marketing

Benefits of using free Google Sheets templates

  • Free to use

The great benefit of using these templates is that they are completely free to use. Thus, you don’t need to spend any penny to purchase these products. Only you have to sign in with your free Google account or with your Google Workspace account to access these templates. 

  • Ease of use

You don’t require any expertise and too much experience to use the Google Sheets templates. Also, you don’t need to understand any advanced functions and formulas. Only you need to launch the template and insert your data in the right fields. Then, the template will generate your final report.  

  • Customizable templates 

Every Google Sheets template comes with lots of customization options. You can edit the templates using the built-in tools of Google Sheets. For example, you can add your brand logo, change the fields, their colors, fonts, and more. 

  • Get rid of data loss

As Google Sheets is a product of Google Workspace, you don’t need to worry about your data in case of loss of internet connection, stolen device, or anything else. It stores your data in the cloud. Thus, you can access your data from any device at any time when you’re online. Also, you can edit and download the data again. 

  • Improve your collaboration

Another benefit of using Google spreadsheet templates is that it makes your collaboration easy. You need to click the Share button to give access to your template to other colleagues. As a result, they can collaborate with you using the template instantly from anywhere in the world. 

Know your productivity enhancer: The xFanatical Foresight

Nowadays, in every organization, people need to handle multiple mundane tasks regularly. But these are time-consuming and exhaustive. To solve this problem, Foresight comes with a productivity automation solution. This tool aids the admin and users of Google Workspace to automate their regular operations without too much effort. All you need to do is sign up for this platform with a free trial or subscribe to the professional package. 

The user-friendly interface enables you to automate your manual tasks without writing any script. All you need to do is use the pre-built templates and automation rules to complete your task. Then, the tool automatically generates the results of your automated task. That's all!

Now you should learn different use cases of this platform such as - How To Export Group Members To CSV In Google Workspace, etc.


Google Sheets templates are handy tools for managing and organizing your organizational data efficiently. They revamp your data management and improve the productivity of the workforce.

When we are talking about productivity, you should also learn about Foresight. With the help of workflow automation, it refines your Google Workspace workflows. So, try a 14-day free trial of this tool.

Also, learn more content related to this one, like - Get Sheets productivity tips, Google Workspace Admin and Google Sheets Integration, etc.